Friday 11 October 2024

Tulip, Bluebell & Daffodil Blog - Friday 11th October 2024

 Happy Friday everybody!  We are currently recovering from our amazing science day on Thursday where we took part in lots of fun experiments! We looked at all sorts of effects of vibration as well as looking at dissolving and absorption in class. We had a great day - look for more photos in next week's newsletter!

Upcoming Events

A few notes for your diary in the coming months - more details will be on the newsletter as we get nearer to the time:

  • 16th October - World Food Day
  • 25th October - PTA Halloween Disco
  • 19th/20th November - Parent/Teacher Consultation Evenings

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 16 & 17.

For Year 1's this focuses on the number line. The number line is an important tool for identifying how numbers relate to each other, what is more or what is less. The games below focus on developing these skills, in particular being able to identify numbers that are 1 more or less than a given number:

For Year 2's this focuses on ordering and comparing numbers. Using the signs < (less than), > (greater than) and = (equal to) to compare numbers is an important part of the Year 2 curriculum. As well as comparing numbers we can use it to compare calculations e.g. 4+3 > 2+2.

The link below has a range of short games that we have used in class to support this idea:

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. 

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith

Friday 4 October 2024

Tulip, Bluebell & Daffodil Blog - Friday 4th October 2024

 Happy Friday, everybody! Time seems to be flying by as we whizz into October and the weather changes just as quickly too. Please ensure, as we move deeper into Autumn, that your child has a coat with them everyday and that all items of clothing are named. We have continued writing factual sentences this week, looking at Mountain Rescue 4x4 trucks!

Science Day - Thursday 10th October

On Thursday next week, we have invited Sublime Science to Down Hall to provide the children from the whole school with a day full of scientific experiments. In light of this, could we please ask that your children come into school wearing clothes that you don't mind getting a little messy.

Should you wish to embrace your little scientist further at home, the link attached will take you to their website, where you can access over 100 free experiment ideas.

Sublime Science activities

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 14 & 15.

For Year 1's this focuses on counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. Counting on in 2's is very important for helping children to identify even numbers and as mentioned before in previous blogs, counting on in 10's really helps develop the children's understanding of place value. This will all serve as a precursor to when the children start looking at times tables more formally later in the year and as they move into Year 2. The games below focus on developing these skills:

For Year 2's this focuses on partitioning numbers. Children are most used to partitioning numbers into their tens and ones (e.g. 38 = 30 + 8). However, we can partition numbers in many different ways - so if 30 + 8 = 38; 20 + 18 = 38 and 10 + 28 = 38 too. We encourage the children to look for patterns to help them find different solutions to the same answer. The link below has an app that lets the children create numbers using tens and ones equipment and then rearrange these to create different combinations of numbers that make the same amount. However, splitting the numbers into tens and ones can also be done practically by bundles of sticks or pencils to represent tens.

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. 

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith

Friday 27 September 2024

Tulip, Bluebell & Daffodil Blog - Friday 27th September 2024

Happy Friday, everybody! This week we have been looking at non-fiction books and their features. We have used this to help write our own facts about All-Weather Lifeboats. In science, we have been looking at how living things reproduce and matching baby animals to their adults. Next week, we will be using our own baby photos in class so if you have yet to send one in, please try to as having their own photo makes the learning much more personal to the children.

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 12 & 13.

For Year 1's this focuses on counting skills and comparing amounts. Developing accurate and reliable counting and then being able to say which of two or more amounts is more or less is an important aspect of the Year 1 curriculum. It is also important that the children understand that equal means the same as. There are also some games in the link below to help reinforce these ideas.

For Year 2's this focuses on the number line and making estimates as to where numbers lie on the number line. When doing this, it is important to firstly look at the numbers that we can see already on the number line - are they going up in 2's, 5's, 10's? From here, look at which 2 numbers the arrow is in between to work out a number that is more/less than the given numbers. The game below will help reinforce the ideas presented in the homework book:

Alternatively, you can draw out your own number lines, giving a starting point and an end point and asking your child to place numbers where they feel they would go between these numbers.

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. 

Have a super weekend!

All the best

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith 

Friday 20 September 2024

Tulip, Bluebell & Daffodil Blog - 20th September 2024

 Happy Friday, everybody! We have had a fantastic week in Key Stage 1 looking at the qualities it takes to be a firefighter, writing captions and making posters as well as looking at compass directions in Geography.

Baby Photos

Thank you to those who have sent in a photo of their child as a baby for our learning about life processes. If you haven't sent one in yet, don't panic - it is not too late! Please send in a photograph (not too big!) of your child as a baby with their name on the back and we will copy it and send the original back to you. Alternatively, if you would prefer to send it digitally then please do so using our KS1 email address below

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 10 & 11.

For Year 1's this focuses on counting to 100. This will continue to build upon the work on tens and ones from last week. Remember - having a clear understanding of what digits represent in numbers is such an important aspect of our maths learning. Reinforce how 24 is represented by the digits 2 & 4 but 24 is actually a 20 and a 4. Explore the hundred square on page 10 and look for the patterns you can see there. There are also some games in the link below to help reinforce these ideas.

For Year 2's this focuses counting on in different steps. This looks at the patterns that are present in counting on in steps of different amounts and how even numbers always have even multiples but odd numbers alternate between odd and even multiples. The hundred square app below is really good for creating these steps and spotting patterns. Alternatively, practice writing out sequences of numbers, in particular, the 2's, 5's and 10's and discuss any patterns that you can see.

Reading At Home

Reading regularly at home will make a huge impact on your child's reading development and learning across the whole curriculum. Please read each week as often as you can and jot it down in the reading diary. Is is also important to talk about a book when you have finished your reading. Which is your favourite part? Did you like this character? Why? 

Always remember to have your child's reading book and reading diary in school everyday!

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. 

Have a superb weekend!

Best Wishes

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith

Friday 13 September 2024

Tulip, Bluebell & Daffodil Blog - Friday 13th September 2024

  Happy Friday, everybody! We hope you have had a great week. We have been busy in KS1 looking at the traditional tale of the Little Red Hen in English as well as looking for things that are living and non-living in the school environment for science.

Baby Photos

As mentioned above, one of the main themes of our science learning this half term is living and non-living things. In this, we look at how all living things grow and consider how we have all grown up from being a baby. To help us in this work, if you could send in a photograph of your child as a baby this would make their learning more relatable to themselves.

Please name the photo on the back and we will copy it and send the original back to you if you wish to have the original returned. Alternatively, if you would prefer to send it digitally then please do so using our KS1 email address below which we have reopened temporarily just for this purpose.

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 8 & 9.

For Year 1's this focuses on tens and ones. Understanding how 2-digit numbers are made up of tens and ones is fundamental to all the maths we do in Key Stage 1. Having a clear understanding of what digits represent in numbers is such an important aspect of our maths learning. Although we represent the number 12 with the digits 1 & 2, 12 is actually a 10 and a 2. Again, look at page 8 to understand the idea and then work through page 9. If you wish to extend your child's work in this, count objects and group these into tens so you can see how these larger numbers can be represented by tens and ones. There are also some games in the link below to help reinforce these ideas.

For Year 2's this focuses numbers to 100. Again, keep looking at these numbers in terms of their tens and ones - how is the number 24 different to 42? Look also at how each number can also be represented by words. When it comes to writing the words, encourage the children to be as accurate as possible in their spelling.

Place Value Games

Spellings Homework

This week, your child will come home with some spellings to practice at home. Please practice these spellings on the sheet inside the book. If you wish to use the following page to practice putting these spellings into sentences this will make their practice even more valuable.

Please ensure that all homework books are returned by Wednesday so we are able to mark and give out again on Friday.

Reading At Home

Reading regularly at home will make a huge impact on your child's reading development and learning across the whole curriculum. Please read each week as often as you can and jot it down in the reading diary. Is is also important to talk about a book when you have finished your reading. Which is your favourite part? Did you like this character? Why? 

We will send home the book that your child has been reading in their Guided Reading sessions during the week. Two additional reading books from the colour bands will come home and will be changed weekly if they have been read at home. Please note the reading you are doing at home in your child's reading diary so we can see each week if the children are ready for a new book.

Always remember to have your child's reading books and reading diary in school everyday!

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. 

Have a great weekend!

Much love

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith

Friday 6 September 2024

Tulip, Bluebell & Daffodil Blog - Friday 6th September 2024

 Happy Friday, everybody - it has been an amazing first week back in Key Stage 1! The children have all settled in so well and myself, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes and Miss Smith have been very proud of how well all the children have done. Thank you for taking the time to look at our weekly blog - it will prove very useful as a means of communicating to you things that are happening in school and any times when the children will need to bring anything special to school with them.

It is important that your child brings with them a water bottle and their reading diary and reading book everyday. Please ensure any hats, cardigans and jumpers are all named!

Reading Books

Your child will have brought home 2 books from the old colour bands this week. This is to supplement extra reading practice alongside their Guided Reading books which will be going home next Friday. Please write in your child's reading diary about any reading they have done as regularly as possible. Little and often helps your child's development so much!

School Council Elections

Next week we will be holding elections in class to choose our class councillor who will become part of the School Council. If your child wishes to stand they might like to make a poster or write a short speech which will help them make their case to their class! We will hold elections in the middle of next week and the results will be revealed in assembly on Friday!

Maths Homework

Today your child will be coming home with a maths homework book. This week, we would like you to look at pages 6 & 7.

For Year 1's this focuses on numbers 1-20. Look through page 6 together with your child and practice counting the apples in the picture. Look at how the numbers can be represented by digits and words - both are important! Then let your child work through page 7, supporting them as needed. There is also a quiz on pages 2-5 which your child can do if they are super eager! There are further counting games on the website below to further extend these ideas:

Counting Games

For Year 2's this focuses on place value. Understanding how numbers can be broken down into tens and ones underpins all our work on addition and subtraction during Year 2. It is important that the children understand that 45 is not 4 & 5 but 40 & 5 as the 4 represents 4 tens. Let your child work through page 7, supporting them as needed. There is also a quiz on pages 2-5 which your child can do if they are super eager! There are further place value games on the website below to further extend these ideas:

Place Value Games

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. Just come down the steps to see us!

Have a wonderful weekend! Don't forget that Monday is our PE day, so the children come to school in their school PE kit.

Best wishes

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith

Friday 19 July 2024

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 19th July 2024

 Happy Friday, everybody! We hope you all had a lovely time at Sports Day last Friday! It was so lovely seeing all the mums, dads, grandparents and other family members out together on the field for a picnic lunch and watching the children compete together! 

It seems incredible that we are already at the end of the year - it has flown by! We have all absolutely loved working with all your children this year and it has been a privilege to watch them grow, learn and flourish as the year has progressed. We are all sure that they will continue to be just as fabulous as they move on to being Year 2's and 3's!

Don't forget that we are celebrating the end of the term with a picnic on the field with parents and carers at 12:00 on Tuesday 23rd July and all children can go home at 1:00pm.

UNICEF Shoeshare Appeal

We are once again holding a collection for Shoeshare so now is the time to start rummaging around in your cupboards for old shoes that don't fit or you no longer wear! Shoeshare is a collaboration between UNICEF and Clarks Shoes which works towards improving Children's Right around the world. More than 1.6 million pounds has been raised by Shoeshare to help ensure that children all around the world have access to quality education.

You can read more about the scheme here.

It's hard to believe that together we can make such a huge difference by the very simple act of sorting out our shoes but really we can. Shoes need to be in pairs and if possible held together with an elastic band. There will be a drop off point at the office or you can just send shoes in with your child at any point during the last week of term.

Thanks in advance for your continued support in helping our children to learn about sustainability, the wider world that we live in and how to care for others.

RRS: Every child has the right to an education and a clean and healthy environment.

Book Collection

All children have had their reading books collected in this week. We have let the children keep hold of their reading diaries as there are lots of useful logins inside these. Please bring these reading diaries back to school on the first day back.

The children's school work books will be coming home on Monday. We will be keeping some English and Maths books until October half term so please be aware of this if you find some books are missing.


We will be available on ClassDojo up until lunchtime on Tuesday 23rd July and then again from Monday 2nd September.

Remember: children return to school on Tuesday 3rd September.

All that remains is for everyone here in Key Stage 1 to wish you an amazing summer holiday. We would also like to give our heartfelt thanks for all your support and kind words over the year - it means so much to all of us!

Much love

Mrs Yuille, Mr Jude & Miss Smith