Monday, 10 December 2018

KS1 Work Sharing Assembly

KS1 led work sharing assembly today. We showed the rest of the school some of the work we have been doing as part of our project, 999 What's your emergency. We showed some of our emergency vehicle models from D&T, shared what we had learnt about Mary Seacole in History and talked about investigations we have carried out in science. We even gave everyone a sneak peak of one of our Christmas production songs!

Today a letter will come home with your child explaining arrangements for the last week of term!

Thank you, 

The KS1 team 

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Key Stage 1 - It's A Christmas Emergency Production Rehearsals

This week we have begun to rehearse our Christmas Show that we will be performing to parents called "It's A Christmas Emergency!"

As you can see the children have been very busy learning their lines and singing all the songs, not to mention learning lots of great jokes to make you laugh!

Performances to parents will be on Monday 17th December at 2:30pm and on Tuesday 18th December at 9:30am. Programmes for these performances can be obtained from the Office during the week prior to the shows. Please see the letter in the link below for full details. Remember - you must have a programme to attend.

Can't wait to share all our hard work with you!

KS1 Team

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

KS1 Marvellous Maths

Last week all children brought home some maths games to play at home.  These games are designed to allow children to improve their skills and speed of recall for number facts.  You may need simple resources such as dice or a pack of playing cards.  

Keep a note of scores so that you can both enjoy seeing progress as the score goes up with more practise!  Please have fun with these games and encourage your child to enjoy the challenge of beating their own score.  

Articles 28 & 29 of the UNCRC state that every child has the right to a good education.  Helping your child to practise the skills we are teaching in school will increase confidence and enable them to maximise on their learning opportunities.   

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

This week in KS1

Well done to our new KS1 School Councillors ... Tim and Isabelle 

This week in KS1...

 We will be designing our christmas cards that will be coming home on Monday 15th October which you will be able to order. 

Please remember parents evening is next Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th, if you have not yet made an appointment please ask one of the KS1 teachers or at the office and we will be happy to book one for you. 

Monday, 1 October 2018

This week in KS1

This week Amethyst, Diamond and Emerald classes will be choosing their School Councillors. 

This year, because each class already has an Eco Councillor, there will only be 2 School Councillors that represent all of KS1. 

If your child wishes to stand as a Councillor they might like to make a poster or a speech which they can share with their phase group. 

Teachers will be short listing candidates ready for the election on Thursday, all results will be announced on Friday. All children have the right to say what they think and have their views taken seriously and the role of School Councillors provides the mechanism in which we can do this (Article 12).

Watch this space!

Monday, 24 September 2018

999 What's Your Emergency?

In the first week back to school we had a real emergency in year one and two.... some of the school trophies were stolen!  

Luckily we had some great detectives amongst the children who helped us to solve the mystery.  Together we searched for clues and collected evidence, this led to some fabulous questioning and the apprehension of  a suspect.  Phew! Thank goodness we didn't have to call 999!  

This was a lovely way to introduce this term's project and we do hope you enjoy looking at our photographs. Children will be learning all about the emergency services and how they keep us all safe.  

Article 19:  Every child has the right to be safe from harm.

Friday, 20 July 2018

Emerald - End of Year Thank You

This school year has flown by and I wanted to remember some of the amazing learning Emerald class have completed such as:

1. Brooklyn Drive walk in Geography
2. KS1 Christmas Production
3. Building 3D castles in DT
4. Sealife Centre trip
5. Clay models in DT
6. Sea animal sewing in DT

.... and many many more.

As a class you have been a privilege to teach and I wish you all the very best next year in your new class with your new teacher.

Thank you also to all parents who have contributed to their child's learning out of school with homework, reading and additional learning tasks. Thank you also for your kind gifts both at Christmas and this week.

Have a fabulous summer break and stay safe.

Mr Purvis

Friday, 18 May 2018


Congratulations to both the Year 5/6 football team who have won the league after a hard fought season and final match against Grove Wood in which they won 2-0 and also the High 5 Netball team who stormed the league all year.  Both teams have been brilliant all season and thoroughly deserve the accolades they receive. You have done the school proud! Congratulations to all involved.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Project Work

A huge thank you to Dayah in Emerald class and her family who spent the 'snow days' recently creating a magnificent castle model complete with wooden huts, soldiers, ladders, drawbridge and tower. Dayah has since proudly showed the model in a class show and tell session and has been awarded a teacher certificate and 3 house points for her efforts. Well done Dayah!