Monday, 25 March 2019

Mothers day sale Friday

A reminder that this Friday 29th will be the Mothers Day sale. If you wish your child to visit and buy something from the sale, please ensure they come to school with a named carrier bag and money in a purse, wallet or envelope. 

Thank you, 
The KS1 Team

Monday, 18 March 2019

All Children Have Rights!

In class our learning is often linked to children's rights and the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  We have been looking at the Duty Bearers in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story and talking about whether they are doing a good job or not.

Please ask your child about the parents of  Veruca Salt, Mike TV, Augustus Gloop, Violet Beauregarde and Charlie Bucket.  Ask them if they think these Duty Bearers are helping the children to achieve their rights.  Your children should be able to explain their answer to you using some of the rights that we have learnt about from the UNCRC.

We have also been learning about the ABCDE of Children's Rights.

The rights are for:

All children, from
Birth, they 
Cannot be taken away,
Do not have to be earned and are all
Equally important!

If you would like to look at a summary of the UNCRC, please follow the link below to take you to the UNICEF website. 

Many thanks

Year 1/2 Teaching Team

Monday, 11 March 2019

KS1 Movie night & Homework

A reminder that the last opportunity to book a place for the KS1 movie night this Friday is tomorrow 12th March. 

The movie KS1 is the greatest showman. 

Maths and comprehension homework will now be coming home weekly and phonics homework still on alternate weeks. 

Kind regards 
The KS1 team