Happy Friday everybody!
The children have had a lovely week of Christmassy activities and card making and this was all topped off with our online Pantomime on Wednesday made by Image Musical Theatre. We learnt the songs and made props in the morning so we could all join in as much as possible in watching the show in the afternoon - it was fab!
There is no homework expectation over the Christmas holidays. Please all rest and relax, though if you can keep the reading ticking over this would be very helpful and don't forget Sumdog and Top Marks games for maths! Here are a couple of announcements for you:
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Once we return in January our new project will be "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" where we look at all things to do with chocolate! There are 2 aspects of this project, however, where we need parental consent.
In our Art/DT lessons, we will be designing, making and packaging our own chocolate creations. In the weeks beginning 11th and 18th January we will be taste testing some possible ingredients for this purpose. Obviously, we will take known dietary needs in to account but if you have any concerns about this, please let us know via our email.
As part of the project we would also like to watch the film "Charlie & The Cholate Factory" (2005) to support our writing in English lessons. This film is certified PG. If you do not want your child to join us in watching it then please let your child's class teacher know, again via our email.
If you have any concerns about either of these issues, please email us at ks1@downhallprimary.com
by Thursday 7th January. This project is always hugely popular with the children and we are very excited to get started on it in the New Year!
Christmas Songs
The current situation we find ourselves in has made it impossible to share our Christmas Production with you as we would have normally. However, each class has recorded a Christmas song - some traditional, some which would have been in the production this year if it had happened - and we have collected these into a shared folder for you to watch at home as a family.
Some songs are on multiple times due to some children being away or sound issues but hopefully there will be something for everyone inside the folder!
Christmas Songs
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for all that you have done this year in supporting your child's education. It has been an exceptional year in which you have all stepped up and been superheroes! Thank you also for all the kind words and genuine support you have extended to us as we have had to come to terms with a completely different way of working - it has been so encouraging to receive!
We wish you all a truly fantastic Christmas and a more normal 2021!
Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Mrs O'Connor