Friday, 26 February 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Monday 1st March 2021

 Hello to you all and we welcome you to the last home schooling blog before all the children return on Monday 8th March! We will be publishing a blog this Wednesday which will contain some information regarding details and reminders about this return as well as some of the things we will be covering in the 3 weeks before the Easter Holidays. 

We still urge you to stay in touch with us during this last week and if there are any questions or concerns regarding full return next week, please just ask.

Please also use this email address if you wish to submit any work and receive more specific marking and feedback on what your child is doing well and suggestions for further improvements. 

Year 1 - English






Year 1 - Maths

This has 5 videos, one for each day.

Monday: Compare lengths activity

Tuesday: Compare heights activity

Wednesday: Compare length and height

Thursday: Measuring length activity

Friday: Measure length

Most lessons this week are practical in nature as befits measuring length.

Any worksheets that are needed can be found here in the Home Learning folder 

labelled by year group and day:

Year 2 - English






Year 2 - Maths

This has 5 videos, one for each day.

Monday: Lines of symmetry

Tuesday: Lines of symmetry (Draw the whole)

Wednesday: Sort 2D shapes

Thursday: Make patterns with 2D shapes

Friday: Count faces on 3D shapes

Any worksheets can be found here in the Home Learning folder labelled by year group and day:

Year 1 - Phonics






Year 2 Phonics/Spelling

User name: jan21 Password: home

This week we have 2 main activities that you can spread out over the week.

Investigating Alternative Spellings: /ear/

Spend 2 or 3 days working on the Phonemes Spotter and Word Sort games.

See if you can find other examples in books.

See if you can put some into sentences.

Looking at words - Compound Words

Compound words are words that are made up of 2 words e.g. milkman, football.

On Phonics Play is the game called Compound Word Splat.

Click on the Resources tab, then Phase 5.

Scroll right the way down and you will see it there. Once you click on the tab you can read

6 passages of text and look for the compound words.

Create your own lists as you search for other examples!

Project Learning

History - The Great Fire of London:

Science - Plants:

Music - Pitch:

Big Cat Ebook Library

Don’t forget to use this as much as possible. If you feel you need more books or your child is finding

the books quite easy, please email us and we can amend their bookshelf. Here is the link:

Maths Homework Book

Please complete page 35 this week.

That is all for this week. We wish you luck in your final week of home schooling and are all really excited about welcoming all our children back on Monday 8th March!

Take care
KS1 Team:)

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Wednesday 24th February 2021

 Well the end is in sight everybody and we have a date to work towards! We are so looking forward to welcoming all our children back to school on Monday 8th March! We will be operating in exactly the same way that we were during November and December last year, so the children will arrive and leave school at their staggered time slots (or at the same time as their siblings).

Amethyst - 9:05am-3:30pm

Diamond - 9:10am-3:35pm

Emerald - 9:00am-3:25pm

Although we only have 8 days left to home school ourselves through, we would urge you to give a final push and keep all those key skills for your child ticking over. Use the lessons on the blog if they are working for you and your child but if not keep reading and practising the key phonics skills as well as using Sumdog or Top Marks maths games which will ensure your children arrive back ready for picking up class based learning again.

We still need you to send us a weekly check in email as well. Let us know what things you got up to in half term and take this opportunity to raise any questions or concerns that you might have regarding re-opening on the 8th March.

We hope that you are as excited as we are about the children returning but until then - keep up all your amazing efforts; you are making a HUGE difference!

Best wishes

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Mrs O'Connor

Friday, 19 February 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Monday 22nd February 2021

 Welcome back everybody! We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable week and feel well rested for the next half term. We would love to see any photos or hear about any of the things that you did - big or small!

Please also use this email address if you wish to submit any work and receive more specific marking and feedback on what your child is doing well and suggestions for further improvements. All you need to do is ask!

Year 1 - English






Year 1 - Maths

This has 5 videos, one for each day.

Monday: Count in 2’s activity

Tuesday: Count in 2’s

Wednesday: Count in 5’s activity

Thursday: Count in 5’s

Friday: This marks the end of our unit on Place Value (within 50). In the home learning folder there

is a small assessment activity to review all that you have learnt. Don’t forget, you do not have to

print the sheets out, you can just write the answers down on a piece of paper.

Other worksheets can be also be found here in the Home Learning folder labelled by year group and day:

Year 2 - English






Year 2 - Maths

This has 5 videos, one for each day.

Monday: Recognise 2D and 3D shapes

Tuesday: Make 2D and 3D shapes activity

Wednesday: Count sides on 2D shapes

Thursday: Count vertices on 2D shapes

Friday: Draw 2D shapes

Any worksheets can be found here in the Home Learning folder labelled by year group and day:

Year 1 - Phonics






Year 2 Phonics/Spelling

User name: jan21 Password: home

This week we have 2 main activities that you can spread out over the week.

Investigating Alternative Spellings: /oo/ or /yoo/

Spend 2 or 3 days working on the Phonemes Spotter and Word Sort games.

See if you can find other examples in books.

See if you can put some into sentences.

Spelling Rules - Verbs: Adding -ing, -er & -ed

This is on Phonics Play - click on the Resources tab, then Phase 5.

Scroll right the way down and you will see it there. Once you click on the tab you can follow

through the different activities.

Create your own lists as you search for other examples.

Project Learning

History - A new unit on The Great Fire of London:

Science - A new unit on Plants. In the first lesson we plant a bean. If you want to try this, any type of

bean or seed will work just fine. If not, you can just watch the video:

Music - A new unit on Pitch:

Big Cat Ebook Library

Don’t forget to use this as much as possible. If you feel you need more books or your child is

finding the books quite easy, please email us and we can amend their bookshelf. Here is the link:

Maths Homework Book

Please complete page 33 this week.

We hope you have a good week!

Best wishes

KS1 Team

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Tuesday 9th February 2021

 Welcome to our last mid-week blog of this half term. I'm writing this whilst watching big flakes of snow float past the window. Last week we talked about adapting learning to what interests your child - what a time to put that into action! Its been 3 years since we had "proper" snow so if you have the time and inclination go and experience this incredible natural phenomenon of the world we live in!

This also gives us the opportunity to use this experience for any writing or work that you choose to do later in the week - why does it snow? How do you create a snowman? What is it like living in a country where this is a regular occurrence? Make snow art pictures. Take photos and write captions for them. Write a number sentence in the snow. Feel free to go where you child feels like going.

We are also mindful that this is week 6. Children are naturally tired after a long period of learning - this happens in school so be realistic about expectations this week. Please, though, take the time to drop us an email to let us know how you are doing - we'd love to see photos of any snowmen or snow activities you are taking part in! Mrs O'Connor found these tracks in the snow - what could it be? Can you find any of your own?

So with all this in mind we wish you a wonderful half term break. We will publish the blog for 22nd February at some point on the weekend before. Massive thank you for all that you have achieved, big and small. Feel proud of both your children and your own efforts and remember that you are doing an amazing job.

Take care

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Mrs O'Connor

Friday, 5 February 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Monday 8th February 2021

 Hello everybody and welcome to the last week before half term! We hope that you found some of the advice in tackling home learning given in Wednesday's blog useful. We have added some extra notes to the English sections this week giving ideas of where your learning may diverge in our explanation writing. If you have any photos or pictures you would like to share, we would love to see them in your weekly update email.

Please also use this email address if you wish to submit any work and receive more specific marking and feedback on what your child is doing well and suggestions for further improvements. All you need to do is ask!

Year 1 - English

Monday and Tuesday's lesson here explains the features of explanatory writing and from Wednesday to Friday it asks the children to shift to an explanation based on how Jack got rich in the story of "Jack & The Beanstalk." This is fine to follow, however, if you find that your child may be interested in staying in a how plants grow vibe you could use this video:

This is a short video which shows how to grow sunflowers in just 8 days. After watching it you could spend Wednesday-Friday sequencing & mapping the order and then writing some simple sentences to explain each step. Hopefully, their work on beans should guide them safely through this process!






Year 1 - Maths

This has 5 videos, one for each day.

Monday: One more one less activity

Tuesday: One more one less

Wednesday: Compare objects to 50

Thursday: Compare numbers within 50

Friday: Order numbers within 50

Any worksheets can be found in the Home Learning folder labelled by year group and day:

Year 2 - English

The lessons on Monday and Tuesday focus on how we can apply "How birds fly" to a fantastical setting such as how dragons or unicorns fly. You might find that your child is more interested going down a route which looks more carefully at dragons or unicorns so it becomes a bit more of an explanation about how these fantastical creatures live, for example focusing on their behaviour, appearance and homes. If so these sites might inspire you:



You could to look at a red, blue, green, white or black dragon by clicking on the relevant link.



From here either use your own research on Unicorns or Dragons to write for the rest of the week or use the videos below to focus on flying. Or of course create your own explanation on anything that you are an expert on!

Please note Video 9 doesn't seem to be up but would follow the same format as 8 and 10 just for "Gliding."



Year 2 - Maths

This has 5 videos, one for each day.

Monday: Draw pictograms (2, 5 and 10) activity

Tuesday: Draw pictograms (2, 5 and 10)

Wednesday: Interpret pictograms

Thursday: Block diagrams

Friday: This marks the end of our unit on statistics. In the home learning folder there is a small

assessment activity to review all that you have learnt. Don’t forget, you do not have to print the

sheets out, you can just write the answers down on a piece of paper.

Other worksheets can be also be found here in the Home Learning folder labelled by year group and day:

Year 1 - Phonics






Year 2 Phonics/Spelling

User name: jan21 Password: home

This week we have 2 main activities that you can spread out over the week.

Investigating Alternative Spellings: /oi/

Spend 2 or 3 days working on the Phonemes Spotter and Word Sort games.

See if you can find other examples in books.

See if you can put some into sentences.

Spelling Rules - Prefixes un- & dis-

To explore this, play the Magical Matching game.

This is on Phonics Play - click on the Resources tab, then Phase 6.

Scroll down and you will see it there. Once you click on the game it 

gives you instructions about the game and the un and dis prefix.

You can then play the matching game. What other words can you

find that use un or dis?

Project Learning

We have completed our unit on the seven continents in Geography. To get us through

to half term, we have placed some art lessons on drawing.

Choose and use the number of lessons your child is interested in.

Art - Drawing (5 lessons to choose from)



Big Cat Ebook Library

Don’t forget to use this as much as possible. If you feel you need more books or your child is finding

the books quite easy, please email us and we can amend their bookshelf. Here is the link:

Maths Homework Book

Please complete page 31 this week.

Finally, a message from Mrs Hurley:

Parents Feedback Survey

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working recently, so I wanted to take the opportunity to say

what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this time.

To help us make sure we’re providing the right level of support for you and your child, we’d like to

know your thoughts on our approach to remote home learning. Please take the time to complete

the survey on this link:

It should take you between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. Please fill out the survey by

Thursday 11th February 5pm. Your feedback is very important to us. 

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Hurley

That's all for now. Have a fab week and enjoy all that you do.
Kind regards
KS1 Team