Friday, 28 May 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - 28th May 2021

 Happy Friday everybody - we have made it to Half Term! This week we have been developing our comprehension skills in English, exploring techniques we can use to answer questions about pieces of text that we have read. In maths, we have been looking at symmetry in 2D shapes and how we can describe position and turns of these shapes.

Charity Art Installation

During the half term holiday there will be an art installation in Rayleigh in conjunction with the Head to Toe Clubfoot Charity. Children from several schools in Rayleigh, including Down Hall, have created colourful feathers and these will form part of the decorations in the High Street. All the children in Key Stage 1 have had a chance to make their own feather so you may like to go and take a look!

Half Term

It has been a long first half term and we are very eager that all the children have a good break during this coming week. We, therefore, will not be setting any formal homework this week. However, remember our project is "Down At The Bottom Of The Garden" and we have been looking at a variety of creatures that live in a range of habitats local to us. If you have the opportunity to go for a walk in the woods, explore some rockpools or just spot the birds in the garden this will be a great way to inspire a love of nature and the much needed chance to recharge the batteries for all!

We hope you have a lovely week off and we will see you all in June!

Much love

The Key Stage 1 Team:)

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 21st May 2021

 Happy Friday everybody! This week we have been thinking about time - how we measure it and how to read the time on an analogue clock. This is a very challenging skill and well worth spending some time on at home if you can. We have also been creating our own monsters and characters for our own version of "The Gruffalo" - more of that below! Here are this weeks homework tasks:

Homework Tasks

Must Do

  • Reading - please keep reading! Remember: 5-10 minutes everyday and then discuss the text afterwards, asking for opinions, favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. Please let us know if there is any aspect of your child's Big Cat book shelf that needs amending.
  • Maths Homework Book - this week we would like you to complete page 55.
For Year 1, the page is all about days and months. Practice ordering and reciting these units of time in the correct order. Pick out things that always happen on these days or in certain months to help consolidate how we use these terms. For Year 2, it is reading analogue clocks. As mentioned in the intro the more you can practice this the better!
(I do realise we have missed out page 53, but page 55 matches our class learning better. Feel free to do page 53 as well this week!)

  • Spelling and Reading Common Words - keep looking at these words often, doing a chunk at a time. The lists can be accessed from our Key Stage web page "Useful Information" tab - use the link below and scroll down to see the menu of word lists. Start with the Yr 1 High Frequency Word List 1 & 2 and then move on to the Yr 2 Next 200 Common Words A & B. If your child can read these words, begin practising how to spell them by looking at 5-10 words at a time.
  • Phonics - if your child still needs support in phonics please visit some of the websites listed below. These have some games to blend and decode unfamiliar words even without a subscription. 

  • Reading Extension Tasks - in the back of the Big Cat ebooks is a detailed break down of other tasks that can be completed using the book just read. These include vocabulary activities, comprehension questions and creative writing responses. If your child has particularly enjoyed a book, these tasks can be a good vehicle for further developing key skills. 
  • Comprehension Tasks -three more comprehension tasks for you in our Home Learning Folder. These will be labelled as A, B and C. Use the colour level books your child is reading as a guide to which one to attempt:
  • PINK, RED, YELLOW books - try Task A;
  • BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE books - try Task B;
  • TURQUOISE, PURPLE, GOLD or higher - try Task C.
Here is a link to our Home Learning Folder:

  • Project Task - this week we have been creating our own characters to replace those from "The Gruffalo." This is a great opportunity to develop our creative, imaginative side and then use descriptions to explain a bit about what the character is like. As a extra task this week, create your own Fantastic Beast! Draw a picture of this magical creature and then annotate it with descriptions or any other interesting facts. Let your imagination run wild! We would love to see any finished pictures if you wish to share!
Don't forget, we are always available on our Key Stage 1 email. If you have any questions or concerns about homework or indeed about anything, please just ask and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Mrs O'Connor

Friday, 14 May 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 14th May 2021

 Happy Friday everybody, we hope that you are all keeping well. This week has been very busy in Key Stage 1 -  we have been looking at "The Gruffalo" in English and thinking about how what the different characters say and think are very different. Understanding the motivations of characters is an important aspect of comprehension. In maths we have been exploring money and counting and totalling coins to find amounts. Whether in 20 years, coins will still be used is an interesting philosophical point but at the moment they are good for us to apply our addition and multiplication skills! Here are a couple of announcements before our homework tasks:

Denim For Dementia - Friday 21st May 2021

Next Friday we will be supporting the Alzheimer's Society Dementia Action Week. Many people living with dementia have had to isolate themselves during the past year from family, friends and others who support and care for them. To help raise money and awareness for this, on Friday 21st May we will be allowing the children to wear jeans or an item of clothing that is made from denim whilst bringing in a donation of £1 for this very worthy charity. Aside from this item, normal school uniform will need to be worn. Maybe a chance to raid the penny jar and practice counting money?!

SumDog National Competition

A message from Mrs Hurley


Calling all of you amazing mathematicians! 

You have been entered into the National Numeracy Sumdog Contest. It is taking place on 14 - 20 May

I will be monitoring how well each class is doing. The winning class will be announced in the school newsletter and will have the chance to be one of the first classes to use our new wild flower adventure playground!

Let's show our Down Hall community what great mathematicians we are!

Good luck.

Mrs Hurley 👍

Homework Tasks

Must Do

  • Reading - please keep reading! Remember: 5-10 minutes everyday and then discuss the text afterwards, asking for opinions, favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. Please let us know if there is any aspect of your child's Big Cat book shelf that needs amending.
  • Maths Homework Book - this week we would like you to complete page 51.
For Year 1, the page continues work on capacity and volume and Year 2 about money. Year 1's, continue to extend these ideas by finding what you can measure at home using measuring jugs to see how much your favourite mugs can hold and order these. Year 2's find some different coins around the house and find totals of different coins. Use coins to pay for amounts as efficiently as possible.

  • Spelling and Reading Common Words - keep looking at these words often, doing a chunk at a time. The lists can be accessed from our Key Stage web page "Useful Information" tab - use the link below and scroll down to see the menu of word lists. Start with the Yr 1 High Frequency Word List 1 & 2 and then move on to the Yr 2 Next 200 Common Words A & B. If your child can read these words, begin practising how to spell them by looking at 5-10 words at a time.
  • Phonics - please visit the Phonics Play website to practise key phonics skills if your child needs support in this area. Playing the different games often will help your child's blending and decoding skills and there are games that can be played without a subscription. There are similar games available to play on the Phonics Bloom site as well.

  • Reading Extension Tasks - in the back of the Big Cat ebooks is a detailed break down of other tasks that can be completed using the book just read. These include vocabulary activities, comprehension questions and creative writing responses. If your child has particularly enjoyed a book, these tasks can be a good vehicle for further developing key skills. 
  • Comprehension Tasks -three more comprehension tasks for you in our Home Learning Folder. These will be labelled as A, B and C. Use the colour level books your child is reading as a guide to which one to attempt:
  • PINK, RED, YELLOW books - try Task A;
  • BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE books - try Task B;
  • TURQUOISE, PURPLE, GOLD or higher - try Task C.
Here is a link to our Home Learning Folder:

  • Project Task - this week we have been thinking about characters in stories - their actions, thoughts and motivations. These don't always match up! For example, in "The Gruffalo" the fox, owl and snake all invite the mouse to lunch. This, however, does not match their intentions! To further explore this concept, from a story you have read or know well, choose a character and draw a picture of them. Add some writing about what your character does, thinks and feels. Try to link reasons for why they do and say the things they do e.g. The Mouse tells Fox he is meeting a Gruffalo so he can scare the Fox away.
Don't forget, we are always available on our Key Stage 1 email. If you have any questions or concerns about homework or indeed about anything, please just ask and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a great weekend!

Kind wishes

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Mrs O'Connor

Friday, 7 May 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 7th May 2021

 Happy Friday everybody - I hope you have all been well! This week in KS1, we have been transferring our skills in report writing to explore the world of minibeasts in English and looking at division as sharing in a range of practical activities in Maths. We hope you found the homework advice from last week helpful and not too daunting. This week we will again set out the "Must Dos" and "Can Dos" below. You will find that the core of this will not change from week to week but all progress at this stage in your child's development is underpinned by consistent practice of these key skills.

Must Do

  • Reading - please keep reading! Remember: 5-10 minutes everyday and then discuss the text afterwards, asking for opinions, favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. Please let us know if there is any aspect of your child's Big Cat book shelf that needs amending.
  • Maths Homework Book - this week we would like you to complete page 49.
For Year 1, the page is about capacity and volume and Year 2 about comparing measurements. Look to extend these ideas by finding what you can measure at home. Year 1's, use measuring jugs to see how much your favourite mugs can hold and order these. Year 2's compare different things you can find around the house or in the kitchen. Keep up your record of the temperature everyday. Are the days getting warmer yet?

  • Spelling and Reading Common Words - keep looking at these words often, doing a chunk at a time. The lists can be accessed from our Key Stage web page "Useful Information" tab - use the link below and scroll down to see the menu of word lists. Start with the Yr 1 High Frequency Word List 1 & 2 and then move on to the Yr 2 Next 200 Common Words A & B. If your child can read these words, begin practising how to spell them by looking at 5-10 words at a time.
  • Phonics - please visit the Phonics Play website to practise key phonics skills if your child needs support in this area. Playing the different games often will help your child's blending and decoding skills and there are games that can be played without a subscription. There are similar games available to play on the Phonics Bloom site aswell.

  • Reading Extension Tasks - in the back of the Big Cat ebooks is a detailed break down of other tasks that can be completed using the book just read. These include vocabulary activities, comprehension questions and creative writing responses. If your child has particularly enjoyed a book, these tasks can be a good vehicle for further developing key skills. 
  • Comprehension Tasks -three more comprehension tasks for you in our Home Learning Folder. These will be labelled as A, B and C. Use the colour level books your child is reading as a guide to which one to attempt:
  • PINK, RED, YELLOW books - try Task A;
  • BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE books - try Task B;
  • TURQUOISE, PURPLE, GOLD or higher - try Task C.
Here is a link to our Home Learning Folder:

  • Project Task - this week we have been looking at minibeasts. There is a wealth of information on these fascinating creatures on the internet and in books. Choose one creature to delve deeper into and find out some interesting facts about them. If you wish to further extend this, present what you have found out about them as a poster or a report.

Don't forget, we are always always available on our Key Stage 1 email. If you have any questions or concerns about homework or indeed about anything, please just ask and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Take care

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Mrs O'Connor