Friday, 24 September 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 24th September 2021

 Happy Friday everybody - we hope you have all had a lovely week! This week we have been making progress towards our usual ways of working as the Year 2 children had morning and lunch playtimes together. Next week, the Year 1 children will be joining the Year 2's at these playtimes and all the Key Stage 1 children will be having lunch in the hall. "Hooray!" say the classroom carpets!

We also all wish Mrs Yuille well as she continues to get better from her recent time in hospital. Diamond class have been amazing this week and will be covered by Mrs Holmes and Mrs O'Connor next week.

Book Bags

Just another reminder that is really important that your child brings their blue book bags/clear plastic wallet with their reading book and reading diary into school everyday. The children do not have a set day which they read on but, whenever we get a chance, we try to fit in as many readers as we can. It is really important, therefore, that they always have their book with them.

Maths Homework

This week we would like you to look at pages 10-11.

For Year 1's this is looking at numbers to 100. Take some time looking at the hundred square on page 10 and discuss any patterns you can see. Relate these to the tens and ones work you did last week. Use the hundred square to then solve the number sequences on page 11. If you have time can you create a hundred square jigsaw?

For Year 2's this is looking at counting on in different steps. If you wish to extend this learning look at creating and extending your own number patterns. Look to start on different numbers, count in different steps both forward and backward.

Don't forget, we are always available on our Key Stage 1 email. If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please just ask and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a relaxing weekend!

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs O'Connor & Miss Langley

Friday, 17 September 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 17th September 2021

 Happy Friday everybody - it has been another very busy week in Key Stage 1!

Reading Books

It has been lovely to send the children home with their reading books this week. Please remember to bring these in every day, even if the children have not finished the book as we may be asking them to read or change a book. Don't forget to spend time talking about the story afterwards - what was your favourite part, why do you think this happened, how would you describe a character etc. Understanding of a story/text is just as important as the actual reading of the text.

Maths Homework

This week we would like you to look at pages 8-9.

For Year 1's this is looking at how numbers are made up of tens and ones. In school we use equipment to help show this - tens can be represented by a long ten rod and ones as individual cubes. As the children move towards Year 2, we also represent these with annotated lines and dots:

When you are counting a large amount of objects, try grouping these into tens and ones to make it easier. Try doing this if you wish to extend the task.

For Year 2's this is looking at number to 100 in words and numbers. If you want to extend this task, try some word calculations e.g. fifteen add twelve equals twenty seven. Also, practice representing these numbers using the tens and ones annotations as explained above.

Don't forget, we are always available on our Key Stage 1 email. If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please just ask and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs O'Connor & Miss Langley

Friday, 10 September 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 10th September 2021

 Happy Friday, everybody! We hope you have had a good week. It has been very busy here and all the children continue to settle extremely well. We have been getting used to our new routines and classroom set ups as we gradually get back to normal.

Reading Books

Today your child will be coming home with their reading diary and reading book - Hooray! Please spend regular short amounts of time reading with your child, talking about the book and enjoying the reading experience. Let us know how you have done by writing in the reading diary each time you read with your child. Please bring this reading book and reading diary into school each day for reading/changing books in class.

Maths Homework Book

Your child will also be bringing home a Maths Homework book today. Homework will come home each Friday and children are asked to do 1 page per week. We ask that the homework book is returned to school by the following Wednesday so it can be marked.

The first page we would ask you to complete is page 6 and 7. Share the explanation page first and then ask your child to work through the second work page. We expect the children to attempt this independently but obviously if they need support feel free to help them in this. There is also a short test on pages 2-5 which you may do at home if you wish.

House Photographs

Just a reminder that to help us in our project learning this week, we would ask if you could send in a photograph of the front of your house. Massive thank you if you have already done this! If not, remember you can send a physical copy or email us a digital copy and if it could be here by Monday 13th September that would be fab!

Don't forget, we are always available on our Key Stage 1 email. If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please just ask and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs O'Connor & Miss Langley

Friday, 3 September 2021

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 3rd September 2021

 Welcome back everybody - we hope you have all had a restful summer and welcome you and your child back to a brand new school year! As you are already aware, the decision was made to carry on as we were before we broke up for the summer (Letter to parents). Therefore, the children will still only need to bring in from home a reading book, water bottle and lunchbox.

We will be reviewing current arrangements next week, so please keep an eye on the school website as this is where we will let you know when changes will be implemented.

Our New Project - "Knock, Knock! Who's There?"

This is the title of our new project this term and we will be focusing on houses and homes both today and in the past. We will be looking at different types of houses and their features. To help us in this project, we would ask if you can send us a photograph of the front of your child's house by Monday 13th September. You could send us a physical copy (let us know if you need it returned) or email the photo to our phase group email. You can find out more about this project on our website here:

Project Overview

PE - Monday

Please note that PE starts again on Monday, so the children need to come to school in their PE kit.

Homework tasks/books will resume next Friday but in the meantime please keep using our Big Cat online Library. We hope very much to start sending physical books home very soon but this online resource will continue to be available for you to use at home. Please let us know if there is any aspect of your child's Big Cat book shelf that needs amending or if you need login details again.

Don't forget, we are always available on our Key Stage 1 email. If you have any questions or concerns about the return to school or indeed about anything, please just ask and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs O'Connor & Miss Langley