Friday, 29 April 2022

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 29th April 2022

 Happy Friday, everybody! It has been a busy week in Key Stage 1 and we have been fully getting to grips with our new project "At The Seaside" - without the beach holiday temperatures!

Year 2 SATs 2022

As you may be aware, end of year tests are returning for the Year 2 children after being suspended for the last couple of years due to COVID. We wanted to spend a little time here explaining what these are and how we tackle them at Down Hall.

During May, all Year 2 children have to undertake two reading comprehension tests, two maths tests and a GPS test (grammar, punctuation and spelling). Although these are statutory for most children, we use the results of these test to inform our end of year assessments rather than dictate them. This is important because it means that if your child is feeling a little under the weather or just not having a good morning for whatever reason on the day of a test, we can take this into account when assessing them at the end of the year.

It is also important to know that all the children have taken numerous practice test papers over the course of their time in Year 2. We use these to inform our ongoing assessments and plan for future learning so they do not find the process of sitting these tests unduly stressful - in fact many children seem to enjoy it!

There are no set days on which the tests are carried out, so long as they are performed during May and in previous years the children have never commented on anything out of the ordinary taking place - they are just like any other day in class. If you have any questions about the SATs please just come and speak to us at the end of the day.

Maths Homework

This week we would like you to look at pages 52-53.

For Year 1's this looks at money. We are increasingly living in a world where people do not have as much contact with coins as in the past. It is important, therefore, that the children are aware of the different coins we have and how different coins are worth different amounts.

For Year 2's, this is continuing to look at money. In this instance it is finding totals and giving change.

For both Year groups, the games on the link below are very good for reinforcing these ideas:

Money Games

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home as well as either your phonics or comprehension homework books - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

As always, we are available on our Key Stage 1 email. However, we would encourage you to come and see us at the end of the day if there are any issues or questions that you have. Just come down the steps to see us!

Have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend!

Much love

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs O'Connor & Miss Langley

Friday, 22 April 2022

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 22nd April 2022

 Happy Friday, everybody! We hope you had a fantastic Easter break and amazingly here we find ourselves in the Summer Term!

At The Seaside

Our project for the Summer Term is "At The Seaside." We will be learning about the animals and environmental features of the coast as well as looking at seaside holidays in the past. Below is a link to our project page from our website which goes into more detail about the areas of the curriculum that we cover and helpful information to support your child's learning at home.

At The Seaside

Maths Homework

This week we would like you to look at pages 50-51.

For Year 1's this continues to look at the measure of volume. Just as last time, explore the vocabulary of full, empty, nearly full/empty, half full, more/less than half full. Have fun with cups and bowls and water and see if you can make all these different capacities and explore how many cups/egg cups of water are needed to fill different larger containers. Make an estimate first and see how close you are!

For Year 2's, this is looking at money. We are increasingly living in a world where people do not have as much contact with coins as in the past. It is important, therefore, that the children are aware of the different coins we have and how different coins are worth different amounts. If you can, do some practical counting of different coins and ask the children to give you different amounts of money from a pile of mixed coins. Finding different ways to make the same amount is another important skill we teach the children.

If you do not have much change at home then the games on the link below are also very good for reinforcing these ideas:

Money Games

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home as well as either your phonics or comprehension homework books - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

As always, we are available on our Key Stage 1 email. However, we would encourage you to come and see us at the end of the day if there are any issues or questions that you have. Just come down the steps to see us!

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs O'Connor & Miss Langley

Friday, 1 April 2022

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 1st April 2022

 Happy Friday, everybody! We hope you have all had a lovely week and are ready for a well-earned break for Easter! We are all extremely proud of everyone in Key Stage 1 this term - they have worked phenomenally hard and also been a credit to the school through our trips and other events that they have taken part in. Well done everybody!

Blue & Yellow Day

We all looked great today and raised much needed money for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. We focused on how many children in Ukraine are not having their Rights met, including their right to a home (Article 27), their right to be safe from harm (Article 19) and their right to an education (Article 28).

Easter Activities in Essex

Please see below a message from Nicola Sparks, our Healthy Schools Engagement officer:

Easter Holiday Activities

ActivAte Holiday Clubs

Essex are pleased to be working in partnership with Active Essex to deliver over 100 Essex ActivAte

holiday clubs across Essex – supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of school aged youngsters!

We have once again extended the offer to provide spaces for those from low income working families,

alongside those who are eligible for benefits based free school meals.

Find clubs near you and book here:


 Library Activities

There are lots of events and activities taking place in libraries during the Easter holidays.  I would be

grateful if you could share the information below with your colleagues, networks and the families you


Children’s Author Events – 8 children’s author events with 3 children’s authors are taking
place across the county. Full details and booking information is on our

Big Easter Book Hunt – find golden tickets hidden in library books between 2 and 23 April
to be entered into a prize draw to win a Lenovo Tab M7: Full details on our

Circus at the Library – several libraries are running circus themed events across the
Easter holidays.  Additionally Chelmsford Library will be running a circus skills workshop
(booking required and for which there is a charge):
Full details on our website:

Essex Libraries Photo project – we are looking for families to send us photos of them
reading in their favourite places in order to create colourful customer galleries in local
libraries. Full details of how to submit photos can be found on our

Story of the Month – to celebrate the Essex Year of Reading we are launching a virtual
story of the month. The video we share will be accompanied by activity ideas. The March
story is up on our website now:

Bringing Stories to Life – we are hosting some storysack workshops in conjunction with
ACL: Full details and booking information is on our events

Other events and activities – there will also be other family events and activities
taking place at numerous libraries and full details can be found on our events listing
which is searchable by library and by audience:


Have a great break!

We hope you have a relaxing and chocolate filled Easter holiday. Please note our emails will not be monitored until Tuesday 19th April when the children return to school.

Take care!

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs O'Connor & Miss Langley