Happy Friday everybody! Work on our "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" is in full swing now and we have been looking at the different characters in our work in English. We have also started to turn our attention to the most exciting aspect of our project:
Designing Chocolates!
The culmination of our project is where we become chocolatiers and the children invent and create their very own chocolates - just like Mr Wonka! During this process, the children will take part in taste testing the different possible ingredients before making a decision about which ones they wish to include in their marvellous creations.
We are aware that some children have allergies/dietary requirements and are happy to accommodate these. We have all the possible ingredients for the chocolate making, so if your child has an allergy to any food, please come and see us after school one day next week and you can let us know which ones are appropriate for your child. We will then get suitable alternatives where needed to replace any that your child can not have.
Maths Homework
This week, we would like you to look at pages 34 & 35.
For Year 1's this focuses on dividing. This is explored initially as practical sharing equally between 2 people. Begin to explore which numbers can be fairly shared and which leaver an odd one left over. This is good to help your child think about odd and even numbers.
For Year 2's this also focuses on dividing. As mentioned before, in Year 2 we relate all division calculations back to their multiplication inverse as this is often a more efficient method of solving a calculation.
Both year groups can enhance their knowledge of division through the games below:
If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day - we would love to see you!
Have an amazing weekend!
Best Wishes
Mr Jude & Mrs Yuille