Friday, 26 January 2024

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - 26th January 2024

 Happy Friday everybody! Time really is flying in Key Stage 1 and all the children have been working so hard in all areas of our project! We have continued to look at the genre of traditional tales in English this week, in the shape of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff", and looking at all aspects of number and place value in Maths!

Message From Miss Harvey

Buy books, change lives

Want to support our school?

Buy books through LoveReading and LoveReading4Kids and we get  25% of the cover price to buy more books!


The LoveReading family — LoveReading, LoveReading4Kids and

LoveReading4Schools — exists because reading matters, and books change lives.

We know that reading for pleasure, and improving reading standards, has a huge

impact on our children’s wellbeing, academic achievements, and future success.

Alongside that, we also know that the current funding crisis has resulted in

devastating cuts to budgets in our schools, which is why LoveReading is redressing

that shortfall through creating an online bookstore with social purpose.



How it works:

● When you buy any book from LoveReading or LoveReading4Kids, 25% of the

cover price will be given to a school of your choice, such as us!

● Book prices are competitive with at least 10% off the RRP

● After you’ve searched for the books you’d like to buy (after reading reviews

and accessing opening extracts of highly recommended titles), at checkout,

you’ll be able to search for your school, by adding your school name or

postcode, and you allocate that money to us. It will even tell you how much

your purchase has donated to us!

● We can then spend our allocated funds on LoveReading4Kids to get more

books in our classrooms and library.


LoveReading has a huge selection of books for all ages, across all genres, at

competitive prices, so make LoveReading and LoveReading4Kids your go-to

bookshops to give our school the chance to access more books.


Sounds like a win-win situation - you get great books, while we get funds for great

books to encourage even more reading for pleasure in our children.

Like we said at the start, reading matters and books change lives - buying books

through LoveReading will ensure that continues to happen for students at our

school, and future generations.

Thank you for your ongoing support!


Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 32 & 33.

For Year 1's this focuses on multiplying. The first step in confidence with the times tables is practising counting on in different steps e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 etc or 10, 20, 30. Grouping objects such as socks or gloves is a good way of showing this in practical terms. Regular practising of counting on in multiples of different numbers will also help - maybe count the steps upstairs but in 10's or 2's instead of 1's?

For Year 2's this also focuses on multiplying. Remember, practicing little and often at times tables facts will help your child gain confidence in this area. We talk about this in class as "squeezing the orange" - the more effort you put in, the more juice you get out!

Both year groups can enhance their knowledge of multiples of different amounts through the game below:

Coconut Multiples Game

The interactive number square below is really good to "paint" the multiples and explore the patterns that they make too:

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development. Keep using the range of questions we have discussed previously as well!

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day - we would love to see you!

Have a relaxing weekend!

Love & joy

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Miss Smith

Friday, 19 January 2024

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - 19th January 2024

 Happy Friday everybody! We find ourselves in very exciting times as a number of new things are being introduced to our school. Our re-vamped newsletter this week sees the inclusions of photos of what each class has been doing during the week. We are excited to be able to share this with you!

Thank you for the boxes already sent in for our castle construction - if you have any more small boxes, tubes, egg boxes we would love to have them!

Reading Comprehension Homework

Thank you everybody for a great start to our reading comprehension homework. Remember we are working sequentially through the book 1 piece each week, so this week just do the next page!

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 30 & 31.

For Year 1's this focuses on adding and subtracting. The ability to switch between these different operations is very important for the children, so take particular care to look at the sign when solving these calculations to decide which approach to use!

For Year 2's this again focuses on times tables and their related facts. All that we mentioned last week holds true for this week too. Just like reading or riding a bike, practicing little and often at times tables facts will help your child gain confidence in this area.

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development. Keep using the range of questions we have discussed previously as well!

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. Just come down the steps to see us!

We hope you enjoy seeing what we have been up to this week in the newsletter. Have a super weekend!

Best wishes

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Miss Smith

Friday, 12 January 2024

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 12th January 2024

 Happy Friday everybody and a very Happy New Year to you all! It has been lovely to have welcomed all the children back and we have begun work on our new project for the Spring Term - "The Quest" where we will be exploring the areas of knights and castles!

Reading Comprehension Homework Book

Your child will be coming home with a comprehension homework book this week! Just like with the maths homework book, we ask that you complete one page (double page where the task is spread across 2 pages) and bring the book back to school by Wednesday.

In the blog from 24th November (scroll down to remind yourself of this blog) we spoke in depth about all the key skills involved in comprehension and how reading is more than just mechanically reading the words on the page. The activities in these homework books will help develop these skills. Again, please come and see us if you require further advice on this area.

Castle Construction

As part of our project on "The Quest" we will be creating our own model castle. We have boxes that make up the main "body" of the castle but if you could send in any small boxes (mini-cereal box size at the most please), cardboard tubes or any interestingly shaped packaging we would warmly welcome these. Please send these in with your child from next week onwards.

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 28 & 29.

For Year 1's this focuses on subtraction. As with all the different operations in maths, as much practice as possible is key in learning the approaches to solving these calculations. Try number lines, try concrete objects - toys, pencils, spaghetti - anything!

For Year 2's this focuses on times tables. All Year 2 children are expected to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of this academic year. This also includes the related division facts, so if we know that 4 x 2 = 8 will also know:

2 x 4 = 8

8 ÷ 4 = 2

8 ÷ 2 = 4

The more eagle-eyed of you will realise that this is just the same as addition and subtraction being the inverse of each other and, yes, we can represent it on a triangle!

And again, the game below is good for reinforcing this idea:

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development. Keep using the range of questions we have discussed previously as well!

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. Just come down the steps to see us!

Have a great weekend!

Much love

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Miss Smith