Happy Thursday, everybody! Wow! We find ourselves at the end of the Spring Term! Everyone has worked so hard and achieved so much already this year. We are now looking forward to our last project of the year - "At The Seaside!" Have a look at our knowledge organiser to see the areas we will be covering in the Summer Term:
Key Stage 1 Email
The KS1 email account will be closed as of today and will no longer be monitored. If you need to contact us for any purpose please either see us at the end of the day or use Class Dojo. If there is a change of collection arrangements during the day, please still contact the office.
New Reading Scheme
As mentioned in our Class Dojo announcement, we have collected in everyone's reading book this week to make way for the new reading scheme we are using after Easter in EYFS and Key Stage 1. The children will have a book which they will use in Guided Reading during the first week back and then on Friday 19th April, they will be bringing this book home as their home reading book. We will also be looking to align our spellings to this new scheme too so we will give you details of this in the first blog back after Easter.
Art Day
Our first day back after the holidays, Monday 15th April, is a special Art Day! On this day, the children will be taking part in a wide range of artistic activities. All the children will not be wearing normal school uniform but some old clothes that you do not mind getting a bit messy! Key Stage 1 will still be doing PE on this day so if they wear comfy clothes that will still be suitable for PE this will be great!
We would like all the children to have a relaxing Easter Holiday, so we are not sending homework books home this week but if you can keep up the reading little and often with books you have at home or at the library this will have a hugely positive effect on their progress.
Have a wonderful Easter!
Much love
Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Miss Smith