Thursday 2 May 2019

SPECIAL EVENT - Super Splash Heroes

On Tuesday we were visited by Essex & Suffolk with their Water Wise campaign.  Years 1 - 6 were treated to a pantomime... "Oh yes they were!"  The panto was packed with information about why it is important for us to work together to save water, showing lots of simple ways that we can do it!

Conserving water is an important part of working towards the Global Goals for 2030 so we would  encourage you to do whatever you can at home, as small changes together can make a big difference!

 If we use less water we are also using less energy in water processing, which is a double whammy for the environment.  Article 29 of the UNCRC states that education must encourage a child's respect for the environment.  Ask your child about being 'Water Wise' and see what they can remember.

You can also follow the link below to the Essex & Suffolk website where you can order a FREE WATER SAVING KIT.   You are able to select whichever water saving products that are suitable for your own home.  They will be sent to you free of charge and are simple to fit, making your own water bill cheaper too!