Happy Friday, everybody! This week, we have continued looking at fables in English and working on multiplication strategies in maths. Before this week's announcements a polite request - whilst we are happy for children to wear a watch to school to help them tell the time, please ensure that they are of appropriate size and do not have the capability to take photographs. Thank you!
PSHE - Changing Me
This half term in Personal, Social and Health Education we are learning about how to cope with change. This includes learning about change in ourselves as we grow from a baby to how we are now. It also includes a lesson next week in which we will be noting the differences between male and female bodies, using the correct terminology. This lesson is very much laying the foundations for future Relationships and Sex Education, which is now a statutory requirement to be taught in schools. We see this as a crucial part of Safeguarding our children and keeping them safe. We are planning to deliver this lesson on Thursday 1st July.
Hares About Town
PE Kit
A reminder that PE kit for Monday is a light blue t-shirt with navy blue tracksuit bottoms/leggings or shorts. Trainers should be black. We appreciate that if PE kit no longer fits, people are making do with what they have until the summer and this is fine, however, please be mindful of our uniform policy when restocking in the holidays.
Homework Tasks
Must Do
- Reading - please keep reading! Remember: 5-10 minutes everyday and then discuss the text afterwards, asking for opinions, favourite part or questioning what happened so as to ensure that your child is understanding the text as well as reading it. Please let us know if there is any aspect of your child's Big Cat book shelf that needs amending.
- Maths Homework Book - this week we would like you to complete page 63.
- Spelling and Reading Common Words - keep looking at these words often, doing a chunk at a time. The lists can be accessed from our Key Stage web page "Useful Information" tab - use the link below and scroll down to see the menu of word lists. Start with the Yr 1 High Frequency Word List 1 & 2 and then move on to the Yr 2 Next 200 Common Words A & B. If your child can read these words, begin practising how to spell them by looking at 5-10 words at a time.
- Phonics - if your child still needs support in phonics please visit some of the websites listed below. These have some games to blend and decode unfamiliar words even without a subscription.
- Reading Extension Tasks - in the back of the Big Cat ebooks is a detailed break down of other tasks that can be completed using the book just read. These include vocabulary activities, comprehension questions and creative writing responses. If your child has particularly enjoyed a book, these tasks can be a good vehicle for further developing key skills.
- Comprehension Tasks -three more comprehension tasks for you in our Home Learning Folder. These will be labelled as A, B and C. Use the colour level books your child is reading as a guide to which one to attempt:
- PINK, RED, YELLOW books - try Task A;
- BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE books - try Task B;
- TURQUOISE, PURPLE, GOLD or higher - try Task C.
- Project Task - this week we have been continuing our look at a range of Aesop's Fables and we have been considering how we can change the story of "The Hare & The Tortoise" by changing its setting e.g. under the sea. We have thought about how the characters and features of the setting must change accordingly. Choose a different fable and see if you can think about how, if the setting changes, other features will also have to change. Draw or write your new fable in its setting!