Happy Friday, everybody! We have had another busy week in Key Stage 1 and we have been exploring our project of "999! What's Your Emergency?" in more detail. We have been creating posters to show the qualities a good firefighter would have and presenting these as a persuasive text.
Overview Meeting
Thank you to all those who were able to attend on Monday. Please don't worry if you were unable to make the meeting as you should have got all the information now that we shared. If you have any questions about the notes from the meeting, please just pop and ask us.
There was unfortunately an error on one of the slides regarding the dates of our Christmas Production to parents. The dates should have read:
- Tuesday 13th December at 2:30pm
- Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am
Baby Photos
Thank you to those who have sent in a baby photo for our learning on living things and their life cycles. If you haven't sent one in yet, don't panic - it is not too late! Please send in a photograph (not too big!) of your child as a baby with their name on the back and we will copy it and send the original back to you. Alternatively, if you would prefer to send it digitally then please do so using our KS1 email address below
Maths Homework
Today your child will be coming home with a maths homework book. This week, we would like you to look at pages 6 & 7.
For Year 1's this focuses on numbers 1-20. Look through page 6 together with your child and practice counting the apples in the picture. Look at how the numbers can be represented by digits and words - both are important! Then let your child work through page 7, supporting them as needed. There is also a quiz on pages 2-5 which your child can do if they are super eager! There are further counting games on the website below to further extend these ideas:
For Year 2's this focuses on place value. Understanding how numbers can be broken down into tens and ones underpins all our work on addition and subtraction during Year 2. It is important that the children understand that 45 is not 4 & 5 but 40 & 5 as the 4 represents 4 tens. Let your child work through page 7, supporting them as needed. There is also a quiz on pages 2-5 which your child can do if they are super eager! There are further place value games on the website below to further extend these ideas:
Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.
If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. Just come down the steps to see us!
Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Tuesday!
Best wishes
Mr Jude & Mrs Yuille