Friday, 31 March 2023

Amethyst & Emerald Blog - Friday 31st March 2023

 Happy Friday everybody! What a busy week and term this has been! We bring our "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" project to a close and have had a fantastic end of term treat in the form of our trip to Barleylands. After Easter, we will start our new project - "Down At The Bottom of the Garden!" Click on the link below to see our Knowledge Organiser which explains the things we will be covering.

Down At The Bottom Of The Garden


On Monday, we all enjoyed our whole school trip to Barleylands! It was such a fantastic day - the children made bread rolls, enjoyed a tractor ride, fed and stroked the sheep and goats and had a bounce on the bouncy pillow! It was genuinely touching to see so many joyful, smiling faces engaging with all aspects of this day. Myself and Mrs Yuille are incredibly proud of how well all the children behaved and how they represented the school in such a positive light! Well done everybody!

Below is a link to our special events page - there will be more photos on display in school at our Open School Event in the Summer Term.

Barleylands 2023

We would like all the children to have a relaxing Easter Holiday, so we are not sending homework books home this week but if you can keep up the reading little and often this will have a hugely positive effect on their progress.

Have a wonderful Easter

Much love

Mr Jude & Mrs Yuille