Friday, 8 September 2023

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Friday 8th September 2023

Happy Friday, everybody - it has been an extremely fantastic (and hot!) first week back in Key Stage 1! The children have all settled in so well and myself, Mrs Yuille and Miss Smith have been very proud of how well all the children have done. Thank you for taking the time to look at our weekly blog - it will prove very useful as a means of communicating to you things that are happening in school and any times when the children will need to bring anything special to school with them.

It is important that your child brings with them a water bottle and their reading diary and reading book everyday. Please ensure any hats, cardigans and jumpers are all named!

Overview Meeting - Monday 18th September

We will be holding our Overview Meeting on Monday 18th September at 2:30pm. If you arrive a bit before this time at the school office, we will let you into Amethyst Class to share with you some important information about life in Key Stage 1. The meeting will need to end at 3:00pm prompt so as to let the children back into class from PE ready to go home.

Please don't worry too much if you cannot attend this meeting as we will send home a copy of all the information shared. We look forward to seeing you!

House Photos

Our project this term is "Knock Knock! Who's There?" where we learn all about features of homes and different types of houses. As part of our work on this, if you could send in a photograph of the outside of your child's home, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please name the photo on the back and we will copy it and send the original back to you if you wish to have the original returned. Alternatively, if you would prefer to send it digitally then please do so using our KS1 email address below


Swimming lessons are due to start on the week beginning 18th September. Please see the letter that went home this week for details and ensure that you return the slips attached. 

Swimming for Key Stage 1 is on Thursdays.

Please remember swimming costume, towel, swimming hat (compulsory) and flip flops to walk to and from the pool on these days. All earrings must also be removed on these days. We are all so very excited to have swimming back at Down Hall Primary!

Homework Books

We will be issuing your child with a maths homework book next Friday. We will explain the expectations of homework both at our Overview Meeting and in next week's blog.

In the meantime, don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home and jot it down in their reading diary when you have read - reading little and often will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. Just come down the steps to see us!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Miss Smith