Happy Friday, everybody, and welcome back to the Summer Term! We started this term with World Art Day on Monday and had an amazing day of lots of different art activities. Please be sure to check this week's newsletter to see what was going on.
New Reading Scheme
Today your child will be bringing home their new reading book from our new Anima Phonics reading scheme. These books are closely matched to our teaching of phonics and all the books are fully decodable which will help the children practise their phonics skills at home. Please read these books little and often at home during next week and record their progress in their reading diary as normal. Please do not be concerned if initially the books seem easier/harder than the books your child used to come home with as it may take a couple of weeks to fully establish the correct pitch as we introduce this new scheme to the school.
As the children will be reading these books in school as well as at home, can you ensure that the book remains in their bag every day, especially on Friday when we collect the books in and give the children their new book.
New Spelling Scheme
Anima Phonics also provide a spelling scheme to go alongside the reading books so in order to be fully consistent, we will be moving to this scheme this week as well. Along with their new reading book, the children will bring home a spelling sheet of words to be practised throughout next week. Please use the sheet to practise on and bring it back into school with the other homework books. We will test the children on their spelling each Friday and issue them with a new set of words to work on.
Key Stage 1 Email
Just a reminder that the KS1 email account is now closed so any emails sent to this will not be seen. If you need to contact us for any purpose please either see us at the end of the day or use Class Dojo. If there is a change of collection arrangements during the day, please still contact the office.
Maths Homework
This week, we would like you to look at pages 46 & 47.
For both Year 1's and Year 2's this continues to focus on mass and ways to measure. This is a fantastic opportunity to do a spot of baking as it will involve lots of practical measuring and reading of marked scales. Take a photo of any of your wonderful efforts (or of course bring us in a slice!) we would love to see them all.
Have a lovely weekend!
Best wishes
Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Miss Smith