Happy Friday everybody! We have had a very busy time in our first full week back in Key Stage 1. We have been exploring the genre of explanation texts in English and finding out all about the history of chocolate!
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
As part of our current project we would like to share the 2005 film of "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" with the children. We use excerpts from the film to help us look at characters in our English work and use many of the scenes to help our descriptive writing and poetry work.
The film is classified by the BBFC as PG so we are asking for your approval to show the film to your child. If you have any concerns regarding this and you do not want your child to watch the film, please come and speak to us. Below is a link to the film's trailer for an idea of the film's tone:
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Reading Comprehension Homework Book
After a delay from the delivery company (despite being order before Christmas) the reading comprehension books have finally arrived today! Your child will be coming home with this comprehension homework book early next week. Just like with the maths homework book, we ask that you complete one page (double page where the task is spread across 2 pages) and bring the book back to school once completed.
In the blog from 15th November (scroll down to remind yourself of this blog) we spoke in depth about all the key skills involved in comprehension and how reading is more than just mechanically reading the words on the page. The activities in these homework books will help develop these skills. Again, please come and see us if you require further advice on this area.
Maths Homework
This week, we would like you to look at pages 32 & 33.
For Year 1's this focuses on multiplying. The first step in confidence with the times tables is practising counting on in different steps e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 etc or 10, 20, 30. Grouping objects such as socks or gloves is a good way of showing this in practical terms. Regular practising of counting on in multiples of different numbers will also help - maybe count the steps upstairs but in 10's or 2's instead of 1's?
For Year 2's this also focuses on multiplying. Remember, practicing little and often at times tables facts will help your child gain confidence in this area. We talk about this in class as "squeezing the orange" - the more effort you put in, the more juice you get out!
Both year groups can enhance their knowledge of multiples of different amounts through the game below:
Coconut Multiples Game
The interactive number square below is really good to "paint" the multiples and explore the patterns that they make too:
If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day - we would love to see you!
Have a relaxing weekend!
Love & joy
Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith