Happy Friday everybody! We have all survived the wind and the rain and made it to the weekend. Progress in taste testing ingredients for our own chocolates is continuing and is all very exciting! Watch this space!
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Just a reminder that as part of our current project we would like to share the 2005 film of "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" with the children. The film is classified by the BBFC as PG so we are asking for your approval to show the film to your child. If you have any concerns regarding this and you do not want your child to watch the film, please come and see us by Monday.
Reading Comprehension Homework Book
As promised, all your children brought home their reading comprehension books this week. Thank you to those who did complete a page this week but we fully understand this may not have been possible for all of you.
We just work through the book one page at a time. We will not specify which page to do each week, just complete the next page you are up to and hand in all homework books by Wednesday of each week. Please come and see us if you require further advice on this.
Maths Homework
This week, we would like you to look at pages 34 & 35.
For Year 1's this focuses on dividing. This is explored initially as practical sharing equally between 2 people. Begin to explore which numbers can be fairly shared and which leaver an odd one left over. This is good to help your child think about odd and even numbers.
For Year 2's this also focuses on dividing. As mentioned before, in Year 2 we relate all division calculations back to their multiplication inverse as this is often a more efficient method of solving a calculation.
Both year groups can enhance their knowledge of division through the games below:
Have an amazing weekend!
Best Wishes
Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Mrs Holmes & Miss Smith