Thursday 16 July 2020

Year 1 & 2 - Friday 17th July

Friday Science Fix!

Wow, we have arrived at the last Friday blog before the holidays!  Today's science is experiment based so grab your laboratory coats and get ready! 😉

Given that the rainbow has come to symbolise so much throughout this strange time we have all had, let's take a closer look... how and why does a rainbow just appear?  Have a chat to find out what your learner knows.  If you want a discussion starter then look again at the fabulous slide show from the Guinness Art World Record that we took part in.  Can you see your own drawing or that of someone you know?  Why IS there a rainbow sitting above the whale?

Now try this:

Mmm... so what exactly is happening?

This is a super simple experiment and there are plenty more to choose from.  Whether it's a vinegar volcano, a tornado in a bottle or making your own lava lamp that takes your fancy, you will definitely not be bored today!  


There are over 40 different experiments to choose from on this page of the science kids website and most things needed to do them are everyday items that can be found in your kitchen.  So, be brave and get busy with some science exploration - you can do it!  Do send us in any photos of your fabulous creations and experiments as we love to look at what you've been up to.

There will be one more blog on Monday to sign off, so even though there will not be daily work set, please DO check this as it may include important information. 

As always, best wishes for a great weekend from the KS1 Team.

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