Dear Families,
We hope that you are all well and that your children are ready and looking forward to returning to school on Monday! We have been very busy getting the school ready to welcome your children back and here are a few reminders about our first week.
The children will only need to bring a water bottle and a lunch box (washable, of any type) from home. You can order a school packed lunch, which is made in the school kitchen, if you prefer. Children who were Year 2's last academic year are no longer covered by the Universal Free School Meals. Payments for those children's school packed lunch will need to be made via Scopay (£2.10 per packed lunch). Please ring the office if you need advice on this payment method.
The menu can be found here: Lunch Menu.
All children will be coming in and leaving by the Downhall Park Way entrance. We have chosen this entrance as it enables us to have a distinct entry and exit point (like in most public buildings) so we can maintain social distancing and keep our community safe. Please see the photo for clarification:
As there are staggered start and finish times, a reminder that the children are due to start and finish at:
Emerald: 9:00am - 3:25pm
Amethyst: 9:05am - 3:30pm
Diamond: 9:10am - 3:35pm
However, if your child has a sibling in school, then they both arrive and leave school together at the earliest of the 2 times. A full list of all classes' timings and further details can be found in this letter:
Any visits to the school, including the office, are strictly by appointment only so it is very important to ensure that your child has everything they need with them for each day.
In the mornings, children will be focusing on English, Maths and Phonics. They will be learning from a combination of objectives they would have covered in the Summer Term as well as beginning to access the Year 2 and Year 3 curriculum. In the afternoon we will focus on art and project work. Although there is no PE for the first 2 weeks we will be taking part in the Daily Mile!
The DfE have published guidance for parents about children returning to school. This can be found here: Returning to school
If you have any questions you can still contact us on our email address below. Thank you in advance for your patience and support. We are, obviously, constantly reviewing the situation and adapting our plans accordingly. We will update you via our blogs as and when needed.
We are all very much looking forward to seeing you next week!
Mr Jude, Mrs O'Connor & Mrs Yuille