Friday 11 September 2020

Key Stage 1 - 11th September 2020

 Dear Families,

It has been fantastic to welcome all the children back to school this week! They have been an absolute credit to you all as they have adapted to the new classroom set ups and the different structure of the day admirably. Huge thanks to you all too for being very supportive in following the new drop off and pick up routines - it has been very much appreciated!

Our Week in KS1

This week we have been spending time getting to know our new classroom set-up and day-to-day routines. We have also spent time working on place value in maths - ordering and partitioning numbers into their tens and ones. In English we have been extending and transferring some of the report writing skills we discussed in the lockdown blogs to write about other animals in our world. Can you choose an animal to research further at home?


As we move through this transition half term, we will be approaching homework in a slightly different way. We cannot send homework books back and forth between home and school currently and many of you will have finished existing books during lockdown. We will, therefore, be setting homework tasks on these weekly blogs for you to complete at home but, just as we did in previous blogs, please email your child's work to us; either as an attached file or as a photograph. This week we are looking for posters that celebrate reasons for why your child is glad to be back at school. This could be something that they have missed or a pleasant surprise in returning to their classes!

Reading Books From Home

As the children become more settled in being back at school, we are looking to re-introduce many aspects of their normal school day. One of which is ERIC - Everyone Reading In Class. As we cannot share class books between children at the moment, each child will need to bring a book in from home which they will enjoy reading on a daily basis. We have encouraged them to bring a book that they are happy to leave in school each day (until they have finished it). If you could send your child in with a book from next week this will be very helpful.

Keeping In Touch

As teachers, we find it very hard to not be there to welcome our children at the gate each morning and we are extremely mindful that opportunities to have that informal chat at the end of the day are also problematic. To this end, we would like to encourage you to use our Key Stage email address to ask us any questions or allay any concerns that you might have. Please do not feel that anything is not important enough to ask - you might just want to tell us how your child is feeling on being back! If you feel more happy speaking to us on the phone then this is also absolutely fine - just ring the office and request a call. We will seek to respond to any calls or emails as soon as humanly possible in this current time.

Well that's it for this week - it has been so lovely to see all the children again and dip a toe in normality!

Much love,

KS1 Team