Friday 13 November 2020

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - 13th November 2020

 Happy Friday everybody - we hope you and all your family are settling into the routines of the new classes now and everything is starting to feel more familiar!

This week, all 3 classes have been thinking about Remembrance and Armistice Day. Although we have not been able to have Year 6 children come around selling poppies, all the children made their own poppy to wear on Wednesday as we all observed the 2 minute silence in class.

Here are this week's announcements!

Baby Photos

Huge thank you to all the people who have emailed in a baby photo for our science work in life cycles. We will be using these in class over the next 2 weeks so there is still time to send these in if you have not already done so. It means so much more to the children if they have a photo of themselves rather than a generic image. Send your pictures in to our usual email address:

Maths: Homework Books

We have been looking at a way of giving you a more consistent and structured approach to homework, particularly in maths, so we will be re-issuing the maths homework books we have used in past years:

The only difference here from previous years is that once we send the books home you do not need to bring the books back - keep them at home. We will let you know which pages we advise you to work upon with your child each week via our blog.

These books have been ordered and we will be hoping to send these home with your child next Friday.

Maths: Place Value

This week we have been looking at the idea of place value and how numbers can be split into tens and ones. One of the games the children enjoy using to explore these ideas is Place Value Basketball:

From the main menu, choose the number range your child will feel comfortable in. We advise Year 1's to start with Numbers up to 19 and Year 2's Numbers to 49. Move to the next step up if they are doing well.

From here we count the tens and ones to give us the total. 

This is good practice for switching between counting on in steps of 10 and then 1's. You could also record this as 20 + 7 = 27. For an extra challenge, Year 2's, think about how you could partition the number in different ways e.g. 10 + 17 = 27 or 11 + 16 = 27.

Big Cat Ebook Library Update

As mentioned last week, we have purchased access to this reading scheme for use for you all at home. Our school subscription has been set up now and next week we will be assigning all the children their own log in details and ensuring they have access to books best suited to them. All these log in details will (all being well) sent home with your child next Friday.

So we wish you all a fabulous weekend and - fingers crossed - next Friday lots of extra bits and bobs to use at home!

Much love

KS1 Team;)