Friday 27 November 2020

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Class Blog - 27th November 2020

 Happy Friday, everybody! This week we have been exploring the role of a police officer and thinking carefully about the jobs they do. We have been writing questions and we were lucky to be able to question Mr Patterson about this as he used to be a real police officer! Here are Diamond Class in training:

Christmas Party Bag Lunch - Friday 11th December

If you wish for your child to have this lunch option, please text the office on 01268 833047 (special texts only number) indicating if you wish for the Roast Turkey Sandwich or Cheese Roll option. Monday is the last day for orders and be assure that, although you will not get a reply, your order will be logged. 

Aside from special dietary options, this is the only lunch available from the kitchen for this day. 

Maths Homework

We hope that the new homework books have been helpful to you all and will help give you a structure for weekly maths work.

This week, we would like you to complete pages 11 and 13.

We are doing 2 pages a week at the moment to catch up to where we would normally be at Christmas but usually we only do 1. If your child is eager to do more maths, rather than do more pages, reinforce the skill being practiced on the pages being covered.

For example, page 11 in the Year 2 book focuses on counting on in different steps with some numbers missing. You can easily recreate some more of these by changing the start/end point and missing out different numbers. Don't forget the Top Marks website ( There are many games on this site that can help reinforce the concepts being covered. Maths is all about repeated practice of skills until they become habit.

You do not have to send any photos of the pages that the children complete - we trust you! Also if we receive 80 emails of photos every week, we may miss other messages.

Whilst on the subject of maths, a message from Mrs Hurley:


Calling all you amazing mathematicians!

You have been entered into the Down Hall Primary School Sumdog Competition. It starts on November 27th at 3:30pm and finished at 3:30pm on December 3rd.

Why not have a go and get your class on the school leaderboard?

I will be monitoring how well each class is doing. The winning class will get an extra playtime!

Let's show our school what great mathematicians we are!

Good luck,

Mrs Hurley"

If you have not logged in to Sumdog before go to:

We have sent home a little card today reminding/giving you your log in details. Any problems, drop us an email.

Big Cat Reading

We have been very pleased just how many of you have been reading books from our new ebook library (yes we can check and see!!) Please keep this up - little and often. You do not have to read a whole book in one go and it is not a competition to see who can read the most. Spending 5-10 minutes a day on sharing a book with your child can make a huge difference to the progress they make in school. Don't forget to use the before and after reading pages - particularly the comprehension questions, Year 2's!

And there we go. If you can keep up the reading and the pages in the maths book we will be eternally grateful. These tasks represent the most important things you can do with your child educationally outside of school. We hope you have a super weekend!

Your KS1 Team:)