Thursday, 24 February 2022

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - Thursday 24th February 2022

 Happy Thursday, everybody! We have all had a lovely, albeit shorter, week back to start the second half of the Spring Term. We have been looking at telling the time in Maths and are beginning to collect information about Knights for our writing in English.

Colchester Castle Trip - Tuesday 15th March

This is less than 3 weeks away now so please if you haven't returned your permission slip do so as soon as possible. We are not allowed to take your child unless we have your consent! If you need a replacement slip please just let us know and we will get one for you, no problem.

World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March

Next Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day at Down Hall! On this day we will be promoting a love of reading and we are encouraging all the children to bring in their favourite book to share in class with each other. 

If you wish to go a step further, your child can bring in a prop representing one of their favourite books. Will we be able to guess the book from the prop? 

If you are feeling ambitious you can even dress up as a character from a story too. We hope the day will be an exciting and enjoyable day for all! Click below for a link to the letter with further details:

World Book Day

Maths Homework

This week we would like you to look at pages 40-41.

For Year 1's this looking at length and height. Lots of practical activities can really help support these concepts. Compare and order the length or heights of different toys. Or members of your family! Measure things using rulers but also non-standard units such as lego bricks.

For Year 2's, this is looking at the fractions of amounts. Lots of practical activities here as well! Try sharing amounts of sweets/chunks of vegetables (whatever your preference) between 2 people/3 people etc. Which amounts can be equally shared and which cannot? Relate to your times tables e.g. 12 can be shared between 2 because it is a multiple of 2. Don't forget to eat your equipment at the end!

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home as well as either your phonics or comprehension homework books - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

As always, we are available on our Key Stage 1 email. However, we would encourage you to come and see us at the end of the day if there are any issues or questions that you have. Just give us a wave and we will pop over!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Best wishes

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille, Miss Langley & Mrs O'Connor