Friday, 11 November 2022

Amethyst & Emerald Blog - Friday 11th November 2022

 Happy Friday everybody - we hope you have enjoyed a fantastic week! We have been very busy in KS1 - we have continued to look at a range of traditional tales in English and the different characters and settings of these stories. We have been working on different addition strategies in Maths and how we can use these to solve simple problems.

Upcoming Events

A few notes for your diary during November - more details will be on the newsletter as we get nearer to the time:

  • 17th November - Individual and sibling photographs
  • 18th November - Children in Need Pyjama Day (come to school in your pyjamas!)
  • 27th November - Flu Immunisations 

KS1 Christmas Production

We have begun to think about our Christmas Production this week and have discussed the general story and songs that will make up our show this year. This has been very exciting and although we are at a very early stage we thought you might like to make a note of our performance dates & times. They will be:

  • Tuesday 13th December at 2:30pm
  • Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am
Look for a letter at the beginning of December with all the details about how to reserve tickets.

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 18 & 19.

For Year 1's this focuses on ordinal numbers and patterns. Using the language first, second, third etc and then relating this to 1st, 2nd, 3rd is the main skill you will be looking to consolidate here. This language comes to the fore when describing and extending patterns. Have a go at creating your own patterns, practically and on paper. You can also try this game out as well:

For Year 2's this focuses on solving number problems. The ability to apply all our understanding in addition and subtraction is the whole reason for us learning to become proficient in maths. We teach the children to spot the important pieces of information in a worded problem and notice the words that indicate if we need to add our numbers or take them away. Look carefully at the information on page 18. Maybe your child could also come up with their own worded problems for you to solve?

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. Just come down the steps to see us!

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards

Mr Jude & Mrs Yuille