Friday, 4 November 2022

Amethyst & Emerald Blog - Friday 4th November 2022

 Happy Friday everybody and welcome back to the second half of the Autumn Term! This week in Key Stage 1 we have been looking at the counting system and how we compare and order numbers in Maths and we have started looking at a range of traditional stories such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears in English.

Upcoming Events

A few notes for your diary during November - more details will be on the newsletter as we get nearer to the time:

  • 17th November - Individual and sibling photographs
  • 18th November - Children in Need Pyjama Day (come to school in your pyjamas!)
  • 27th November - Flu Immunisations 

Maths Homework

This week, we would like you to look at pages 16 & 17.

For Year 1's this focuses on the number line. The number line is an important tool for identifying how numbers relate to each other, what is more or what is less. The games below focus on developing these skills, in particular being able to identify numbers that are 1 more or less than a given number:

For Year 2's this focuses on ordering and comparing numbers. Using the signs < (less than), > (greater than) and = (equal to) to compare numbers is an important part of the Year 2 curriculum. As well as comparing numbers we can use it to compare calculations e.g. 4+3 > 2+2.

The link below has a range of short games that we have used in class to support this idea:

Don't forget to keep up all your fantastic efforts with your reading at home - it will make a huge impact on your child's reading development.

If you have any issues or questions, please, please come and see us at the end of the day. Just come down the steps to see us!

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards

Mr Jude & Mrs Yuille