Wednesday 18 March 2020

Year 1 & 2 Home Learning

Dear Parents

Thank you for your continued support during these ever-changing and challenging times. The KS1
team wanted to share with you some ideas and links for home learning should the need arise.


All children in KS1 have an account for myon. This is a virtual library which will enable all children to
read a variety of books online via a laptop, tablet or phone. Log in details have been sent home as a
letter and details have been stuck in their reading diaries. 

Phonics & Sight Vocabulary

Whilst on the subject of reading diaries, don’t forget the middle pages of this book contain excellent
information on the different phonemes and words that children need to read on sight (Year 1) and
spell (Year 2).

Top Marks Maths Games

games across many areas (chosen from the tab at the top). They are free to use and many work on
a variety of platforms.

English Games

Similarly, the website has many games to
develop reading and phonics skills.

Homework Books

We will be sending home all the children’s homework books before the end of the week. The children
can work through both the maths and comprehension books at the normal pace as if they were in
school. The purple phonics books can be used as a workbook for the children to do any writing they
wish to do or tasks from the above websites.

If the school does have to close, we will be putting more links to additional learning resources on the
website. We will also endeavour to update the blog and the class pages on a weekly basis with
other ideas and suggestions for home learning.

We hope this is of some help to you all.

Kindest regards

Mr Jude, Miss Langley & Mrs Yuille