Friday 16 October 2020

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - 16th October 2020

 Happy Friday everybody - we hope you have had a good week!

As mentioned in last Friday's newsletter, as a school we must offer immediate remote education if, for any reason, your child is not able to attend school for a prolonged period of time. As a school we will be using the DfE approved programme, The National Academy ( Here there are daily lessons for each Year Group which cover a range of subjects. There are a number of other online sources that you can use to complement this site:

Multiplication - Arrays

This week we have been looking at the mathematical operation of multiplication. All children by the end of Year 4 are expected to know all their times tables to 12x12. For Key Stage 1, we focus on being able to recite and recall facts for the 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Being able to count on in steps of these amounts is very helpful for solving calculations such as 10x5=? (10, 20, 30, 40, 50). Counting in these steps whilst climbing the stairs is a way of regularly reinforcing this.

In Key Stage 1, one of the ways we further exemplify multiplication is by showing them as concrete arrays to help support this ability to count on in 2's, 5's and 10's.

4 x 3 =
Here we are being told to count in 4's.

How many times? 3

We can visualise this by drawing 4 dots, 3 times:

Try and keep the dots lined up with each other.
Count the total and you have your answer!

Try some out for yourself. 

Multiplication - Partitioning

Once numbers go above 10, arrays become too unwieldy and inefficient. It is good practice for the children entering Year 3 to try some partitioning to help solve these.

Here we split 15 into 10 and 5 and times these by 2 (use arrays if you cannot do this mentally).
This gives us the answers 10 (5x2) and 20 (10x2).
Add these 2 numbers together to find the answer.

Again, if you are confident with arrays and the 2, 5 and 10 times table, try some of these.
If you want to let us know how you are doing with these homework tasks, please send us an email but be assured that there is no compulsion to show what you have been doing - it is enough to just be doing!


Keep reading little and often - it is very important. Use Myon if you can and if your child finds this platform agreeable but we know some of you have been finding the following site very helpful so we are pointing this out to you again:

  • Oxford Owl 
            You will need to register for this site but it is very easy (I tried it and it took less than 5 minutes).

Incidentally, after confirming your email notification, if it says there is a problem, just log in as normal - it will work fine!

From here you can choose from a range of ebooks:

From here you can choose a colour book band or search by phonic phase and browse the books.

Once you choose a book you can read it (or have it read to you) and there are even some activities related to the text at the top.

We hope you find some of these resources helpful. Please be assured we are currently continuing to review how we can further develop reading opportunities for your children after half term and fully understand how online reading is not for everyone.

Wishing you all very wonderful weekend:)
KS1 Team