Friday 9 October 2020

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - 9th October 2020

 Happy Friday everybody - I hope you have had a fab week!

Amazingly, we are entering the last 2 weeks before half term and the children transitioning into their new classes. It is with regret that we are unable to do many of the things that we would usually do at the end of the year due to Government guidance such as sending work or small gifts home with the children. However, we are planning on having a special "treat" afternoon for the children in our last week together.

If you have any concerns or questions about your child's new class or transition please send us an email and we will hopefully be able to put your mind at ease.


Just a reminder that as the weather becomes more autumnal to ensure your child brings a coat to school each day. Due to our staggered lunches we get less time outside so unless the weather is very bad we will always endeavour to still go out at playtime and for our Daily Mile. 

Maths - Addition as the inverse of subtraction

This week in school we have been looking at how addition and subtraction are the opposite of each other or to use the mathematical term - the inverse of each other. 

The way we have shown this is through a triangle with 3 numbers, an add sign at the bottom and a take away sign at the top:

We use this to generate 4 calculations. You can create 2 addition calculations by starting at the bottom following it around, finishing at the top:

10 + 5 = 15

5 + 10 = 15

You can also create 2 subtraction calculations by starting at the top and following it around:

15 - 10 = 5

15 - 5 = 10

It is worth noting how the same three numbers are used and that the largest number is at the end in the addition calculations and at the beginning in the subtraction calculations.

In exploring this concept, it is the relationship/patterns between the numbers that are important, not calculating the expressions. 

The game "Number Fact Families" on Top Marks is good for exploring this:

Choose + and - and then the range that your child is comfortable with. Start with choosing from the left hand column (1+2=3 not the reverse). Click on the numbers and signs for them to appear in the highlighted box to make 4 calculations like in the triangle example above. Note there will be 2 addition and 2 subtraction calculations and where the largest number should go for this.

You can record some of these, screen grab any work you have done on the computer or just send us an email about how you got on!

Reading & Phonics

Don't forget to keep using MyOn to do as much reading as possible. Send us an email if you need any advice on how to use this platform further. We are very lucky to have this resource and online access to thousands of books and regular reading will be imperative for your child's continuing development in all areas of the curriculum.

We would also strongly advise you to try the games on Phonics Play if you feel your child needs additional support in their reading. The whole website is still free for everyone until 21st October. To login visit and enter the username march20 and the password home.

From here if you click on the Resources tab there are lots of games that will support your child's development in phonics and ability to blend sounds in order to read. Please take advantage of this freebie while you still can - enjoy!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend:)
KS1 Team