Friday 23 October 2020

Amethyst, Diamond & Emerald Blog - 23rd October 2020

Happy Friday everybody! Well, half term is upon us and we are saying a fond farewell to many of the children in our classes. We have been so proud of how the children came back and quickly adapted to the very different set up to the classrooms and the timetable. We can but marvel at their resilience and the mature understanding in which they have approached school life in 2020! 

We wish all our children great success and happiness in their new classes - they will rise to the new challenges effortlessly! In the meantime, however, please enjoy a relaxing half term. There are no specific homework tasks for this week but if you want to help your child keep their hand in don't forget to use MyOn and revisit any of the maths tasks outlined in this half term's blogs.

Overview Meetings

In normal times, we would have held our Key Stage 1 Overview Meeting with parents during the summer term. Although we cannot meet up in person we have provided you all with a link to the slides that would have been presented. Bear in mind that some of these slides do not represent our normal approach (e.g. homework/reading) but please be assured we are constantly reviewing more effective procedures in what we do.

For children moving into Year 1 and 2:

KS1 Overview Meeting

For children moving into Year 3, visit the current Year 3/4 blog and follow the link to their slides.

We will give you a more detailed overview of next half term's project - "999 What's Your Emergency?" - in our first blog back after half term.

Thank you again for all your help and support this half term - we couldn't have done it without you! We will see you all on Monday 2nd November - don't forget this is a PE day for KS1!

Wishing you all a safe and restful holiday:)

Much love

Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille & Mrs O'Connor