Friday 24 April 2020

Year 1 & 2 Friday Science Fix

In science this half term we would be learning about plants and animals at the seashore, so let's begin with a simple question...

How do we know if something is living?  There are six processes to look out for... watch this bitesize clip and take note of what they are.

Now that you know what to look out for,  prepare a piece of paper divided into 2 columns; living and non-living.  If you want more challenge add a third column for the things that were once alive, headed 'no longer living'. 

Now look around you, inside or outside and decide where each thing you can see should go.  You might need to discuss the materials that some things are made of.  Remember to ask yourself the important questions each time, ie; Does it grow?  Does it breathe air?  You can watch the clip anytime for a reminder of the six things that living things do.

This lesson usually allows for lots of interesting discussion and questions that might need more exploration so feel free to follow the learning journey wherever it may take you!  At the end of this learning, challenge your child to see how many of the six life processes they can remember.

The next step...

Using the file 'Sealife Facts' added to 'Science Resources' further down the page, read together and explore some different wildlife that might be found on the seashore.  Think about similarities and differences between each one, for example; appearance, size, diet and anything else.  Try to learn some facts or perhaps pick just one or two of the animals and research further using books or online searches.  You can represent the learning in any way preferred, for example drawing pictures and recording key facts, or actually just talking about it!  Adults, during the learning, write some relevant prompt questions so that at the end you can quiz your learners on the key facts for their chosen wildlife.  This is an activity you can revisit at anytime and we will build upon it further next week.

Most of all, please have lots of fun on your learning journey!

Key Stage 1 Team

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