Monday 27 April 2020

Year 1 & 2 - Monday 27th April

Welcome to a new week, I hope you had a restful weekend!

Maths - 2D Shape

The naming and describing of 2D shapes is an important skill for Year 1's. Comparing these shapes and finding similarities and differences between them is then developed during Year 2.

We use both of these reference sheets in school, so they should be familiar to your children:

It is worth noting that a 2D shape is not best described as a flat shape. It is a shape that is represented in a drawing on a piece of paper or a screen and is unable to be picked up. A piece of paper is not a rectangle but an extremely flat 3D cuboid as it can be picked up.

Take some time to discuss the names of these shapes and their mathematical properties.

Year 1 Properties

Sides - curved or straight lines that define the shapes area;

Vertices - (or corners) where 2 sides meet to make a point.

(1 vertex; 2 vertices).

Year 2 Properties (as above plus)

Right Angles - where sides meet to create L;

Lines of Symmetry - where a shape could be divided in 2 and both sides are a mirror image of each other.

You can use a right angle eater to help find right angles:

See if you can complete this sheet. Year 2's look out for right angles and lines of symmetry too:

I'll put these resources on our class page on the website:

English - Word Classes

As mentioned before, one of the things we talk about in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling lessons are the way in which words can be sorted into classes:

Nouns - naming words;
Adjectives - describing words for nouns;
Verbs - action words;
Adverbs - describing words for verbs.

This BBC website gives extra information:

Work through the first 3 videos which have learning activities too. We will talk about sentence types tomorrow!

English - Phonics

From Monday there will be Letters and Sounds phonic lessons on this YouTube channel:
There are lessons for Reception and also for Year 1. In addition there will be lessons for children who are finding blending difficult. At school we teach Phonics using Letters and Sounds so these lessons should link well with the work we have done in school. The sessions are at 10am for Reception, at 10.30am for Year 1 and at 11am for children who find blending difficult.

Have a fab day!
Key Stage 1 Team