Monday 20 April 2020

Year 1 & 2 - Monday 20th April

Welcome back everybody - I hope you had a fabulous Easter Week; as strange as it must have seemed!

We will be continuing our daily blogs here with all the usual caveats about using these ideas as a menu of possible activities to choose from and doing the amount of work that is appropriate for your child.

I also recommend looking back at previous blogs to re-visit ideas and activities. In Key Stage 1 we constantly reinforce ideas on a half termly basis rather than a "one and done" system. It is also particularly good practice for the year 2's to be switching between strategies for adding and then subtracting numbers. With that in mind, let's try some maths today!

Multiplication - Arrays

All children by the end of Year 4 are expected to know all their times tables to 12x12.

For Key Stage 1, they are expected to be able to recite and recall facts for the 2x, 5x and 10x tables by the end of Year 2.

In Key Stage 1 one of the ways we exemplify multiplication is by showing them as concrete arrays.

4 x 3 =
Here we are being told to count in 4's.

How many times? 3

We can visualise this by drawing 4 dots, 3 times:

Try and keep the dots lined up with each other.
Count the total and you have your answer!

Try some out for yourself.

Multiplication - Partitioning

Once numbers go above 10, arrays become too unweildy and inefficent. It is good practice for the Year 2's to try some partitioning to help solve these.

Here we split 15 into 10 and 5 and times these by 2 (use arrays if you cannot do this mentally).
This gives us the answers 10 (5x2) and 20 (10x2).
Add these 2 numbers together to find the answer.

Again, if you are confident with arrays and the 2, 5 and 10 times table, try some of these.

English - Non-Fiction texts: Seashore

If we were in school, we would have been starting our final project "At The Seaside." Over the course of this week we will recreate the steps that we would do in school in looking at a text type, gathering information and then writing a piece of report writing.

So the first step here is to look at our text for the week - "Seashore." We have made a slide show of the book on our class page, just scroll down the page to find it. Read through the text with your child and discuss and further explore ideas that they find interesting.


Keep reading little and often - it is very important. Use Myon if you can but also Collins Big Cat books have made resources available to parents during this time.

Go to this website and enter the details as shown below.

You can choose a text from the colour bands we use at school and some even have some worksheets, which you find if you scroll down on the link above, to work on after reading. We use these books in school so it has the advantage of being familiar to the children.

Have a wonderful day!
Key Stage 1 Team