Thursday 14 May 2020

Year 1 & 2 Friday 15th May

Friday Science Fix

Between Friday science and our report writing for english, you must all be quite the animal fact experts by now.  So, I thought today we would have some fun using your knowledge to make a guessing game that you can share with those around you. Or perhaps, even quiz your wider family members and friends in any calls you may be doing to keep in touch.

First, select your animal and review what you know.  Try to think of factual clues;
  • appearance - description using any technical words such as fin, tail, jaws, claws etc
  • adaptations (bodily features that help them survive in their environment)
  • size/ lifespan - how big/ small can they be, how long can they live
  • diet - what do they prey on (eat), but also, what might eat them!  
  • any other unusual or interesting facts
The idea is that you are creating a challenge, so try not to give your most obvious clue first.  This is one of my favourite activities at school within this term of science work, so I thought I would have a go at making one for you to guess!

First cut a piece of A4 paper in half, and fold it to make your different work spaces.


Under your heading,  'What Am I?', write some clues to help the other person guess your animal.  Remember to make the clues factual, thinking about the categories above, and don't give it away too easily with the first clue!

Here is my one for you to guess... 

I have a fourth clue, but it would give it away too easily, and I ran out of room!  Inside the card I have drawn a picture of the animal and labelled it...  I could open the card to show the answer... but maybe not!   I will post my answer at the end of this blog to give you a chance to make some guesses. 😉

You can make as many of these cards as you like, making them as detailed as you want to, presenting the answer as a drawing, a diagram adding other interesting facts for that animal, or a simple one word answer.  It's up to you!  Hope you have fun with this and quiz lots of people.  Telephone calls and video chats have really helped me keep in touch with all the important people in my life recently, so I hope that your friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, grans and granddads enjoy hearing your clues and having a go at your guessing game!

Something Different

Sticking with our seaside theme, and thinking about our well being, I thought I would drop this here for you to try if you want to.  It is an under the sea story with a series of movements and stretches that are rooted in yoga but designed for children.  I just thought this might be fun for you to do together as it is Friday and all of your learning is done for the week!   The sequence is very clearly modelled in a 'copy me' fashion, so it could also be enjoyed independently by children very easily.

Under the Sea with Squish the Fish

A huge well done for everything you have achieved this week, and if you feel you could have done better, please be a bit kinder to yourself!  We can all only try our best in this unprecedented situation where we have to juggle many things at the same time from home.  Remember that you can contact us via the KS1 email to share anything that the children would like to show us, or to share any worries and ask any specific questions.

Best wishes from all of us,
KS1 Team

Ps.   Here is my fourth clue and my answer;

I can't swim and I have five arms...