Thursday 21 May 2020

Years 1 & 2 Friday 22nd May

Good morning and happy Friday! 

I hope you have all had a lovely week and enjoyed the sunshine. As you have all completed lots of seaside activities over the previous weeks and due to next week being half term I thought today's blog will be filled with some fun activities you may like to do over the next week. However please remember these are purely suggestions!

Garden obstacle course

A chance for you and your family to get creative with your household items and make a fun and challenging obstacle course. 

Build a tent indoors 

Perfect for a movie night or family sleepover! The challenge is everyone fitting inside without it collapsing. 

Indoor scavenger hunt

A great way to keep the children busy and see what wonderful things they find... I would be slightly worried about the 'something smelly'.

Make your own TV show

Your child could create their own documentary discussing all the things they have discovered about the seaside or just a fun show. I know we have lots of comedians in years 1 & 2, it could be their time to shine!

Big art

A time to get messy! Lay a big piece of paper on the ground (back of an old wrapping paper would work great) and let the children get creative. Encourage rolling round, hand and foot prints, anything the children can add to create a masterpiece. You will be shocked at just how wonderful it will turn out.

Bury a time capsule 

Each family member could add a belonging and maybe a letter about your time in lock down for someone to discover in the future.  I'm sure it would be a very interesting find!

Invent a new game

I know many of our children have lots of fun creating games during reward time, this is a great opportunity for your children to design a new game of their choice we could all play when returning to school. Some of the game ideas have included: a snakes and ladders inspired game, races, quizzes, math dice games and many more.

We would just like to say thank you for all your amazing hard work homeschooling this half term. We know it is not an easy job, however from the emails we have received showing us all the wonderful work your children have completed, we can see you are all doing a fab job! We hope you all have a lovely half term and a very well deserved rest. Our blogs will resume on the 1st June. 

Best wishes, 
KS1 Team

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