Monday 4 May 2020

Year 1 & 2 - Monday 4th May

Good morning wonderful people, welcome back to another week and, of course, Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you all!

English - Comprehension

We spend a lot of time during EYFS and Year 1 working on phonics and how to decode and break down words in order to read. This is very important; it opens the doors to learning EVERYTHING! As we move into Year 2, we begin by focussing on comprehension - what does what we read MEAN?

Take this word - Verstehen.

Your brain looks at it and in an instant will tell you it does not recognise the word. So we move to our phonic understanding to read it; not too tricky: v-er-s-t-e-h-e-n. We can "read" it!

But we don't know what it means, so the ability to read it is useless because we don't understand it and therefore could never use it in our writing either.

(PS verstehen is the literal translation of the German word for understanding).

Comprehension helps us understand what we read, from understanding why characters act as they do to getting puns (May the force be with you; May the 4th = Star Wars Day). As teachers, when children are moving into Year 2, this is what we focus on. I can read my son's GCSE German book; I don't understand any of it!

Year 2 - Comprehension

For the Year 2's to practice their comprehension skills we have provided a link to last year's SAT's reading paper 1. Now I thought long and hard before providing this link as I did not want people to be thinking that they need to recreate a test atmosphere or panic if their child could/couldn't do the work.

In the end we chose to give you all the link because firstly, we would be looking at these papers in school if we were there now anyway. The emphasis here is looking - not testing. We would work together discussing the questions and how to find the answers during Guided Reading sessions.

The second reason is these are free, easily viewable and of high quality.

Again, work through these together, supporting your child to look back at the text to find the answers. You don't need to print it off, looking is just fine and talking about the answers.

If this is a bit too tricky try this comprehension activity instead:

Year 1 - Comprehension

Here is a comprehension activity for the Year 1's. If you want a challenge, try the one above as well!

Spend a couple of days on all these; you don't have to do it in one sitting! You don't need to print anything off, you can do it from the screen but if you have capacity to print and would like to, the resources are all on our class page:

Remember, if you right click and select "open in new tab" it can be easier to print from the new window.

Maths - Measuring Length

In school we would look at the different ways we can measure things in maths. In discussion we consider what we call the measurement, what equipment we use to measure and the units we measure in. In this last area we might have more than 1 unit e.g. for measuring small amounts and measuring large amounts.

Try completing this table with your child:

These video clips might help. Incidentally, it can be tricky to find suitable measuring clips, you can easily stumble into the world of "math" and quickly everyone is talking about pounds and ounces.

If you were wondering (and hopefully we all are developing that inquisitive gene by now) the stylised you see on food containers means estimated value. This means the average quantity must not be less than that shown but there is a small discrepancy that is accepted. Always ask "Why?" and always want to know more!

Here is a sneaky answer sheet for you wonderful teachers (don't let the children see it!)

Obviously, work together on this and tomorrow we will look at ways of measuring practically. These resources I will place on the class pages as normal.

Have a good day!
Key Stage 1 Team

PS - Thank you to all the people who have let us know how you are doing via our email account. If you haven't, please drop us a line, even if it is short - hearing how you are is very important to us as a school.