Sunday 21 June 2020

Year 1 & 2 - Monday 22nd June

Welcome back to another week, everybody - I hope you are well!

Just a reminder for Year 1 parents if you did not see the letter from last week regarding wider opening for Year 1's, to check it here:

As time passes by, more and more resources have become available online and I have been mindful not to deluge you with too many places that you could visit. However, variety can be important so you might want to look through this website if you haven't already stumbled across it:

This website is endorsed by the Government and is made by the Oak National Academy. Choose your child's year group, then click on the subjects tab and from there see which areas interest you and your child most. I hope this helps further inspire all your wonderful home schooling efforts!

English - Explanatory Writing

This week we will be looking to plan and write a piece of explanatory writing, that is writing that explains how something happens or is made. Explanations are slightly different from instructions in that they describe the steps in a process rather than steps to something that you are personally going to go and do.

I will continue to try to spend a bit more time this week in showing the range of levels of detail that your explanations take so you can find the pitch that will work with your child - apologies if I have not been clearer in this in previous blogs.

In keeping with out seaside theme, we will be explaining how ice cream is made! We can draw upon our summarising work from last week to help us show a number of steps in this process. First, lets watch this video clip (only watch up to 3 minutes 10 seconds):

Have a chat with your child - what were the main steps?

Don't try and included everything (I wouldn't worry about the stabilisers and emulsifiers nor the homogenising process) I would include 4 main steps (with 2 extra steps):

1. Mix cream, powdered milk and sugar together.
2. Heat it to kill the germs.
3. Cool and add flavouring.
4. Chill and whip to make it solid.

+5. Ice cream placed between 2 chocolate wafers.
+6. Sealed in a wrapper.

I would share these steps with your child and then help them sequence the steps which will also act as our plan for this week's task. There are a number of ways you can go about this.

Firstly, select whether you wish to do a 4 step or 6 step process and use a grid similar to the ones below:

Secondly choose whether you will use pictures, written notes (don't be too detailed, save that for later in the week!) or you can cut and sequence the pictures below:

All resources will also be on our class page - happy sequencing!

Maths - Fractions

This week we will be looking at fractions. Now this can seem initially daunting to children but once they get the concept then it can become quite straight forward. Have a look at this video - stop at 2 minutes 15 seconds!

The most important aspect of fractions is to understand that the bottom number (denominator) is how many pieces there are altogether and the top number (numerator) is how many pieces you get/eat!

Spend some time today seeing what items you can divide into fractions. Make a sandwich, pizza, cake and see if you can divide them into halves and quarters. Take a photo and send it to us at our email address:

Have a lovely day!
KS1 Team