Tuesday 23 June 2020

Year 1 & 2 - Wednesday 24th June

Happy Wednesday everybody, I hope you are well!

Just to let you know that this Friday, Miss Langley formally begins her maternity leave. This will mean that she will not be in a position to respond to emails from this date, however, please continue to send emails, Emerald class, as myself and Mrs Yuille will be reading and answering any questions or concerns that you might have.

I am sure you will join me in wishing Miss Langley well in this very exciting time for her and her family - she can't wait to share pictures when baby arrives!

English - Explanatory Writing

Today, we will be continuing on with our explanatory writing. Do as much as you feel your child can cope with. In school it is not always a demand to "finish." Even if you did 3 steps of the explanation the concept is understood, the skill is practised. Completion is the cherry on top.

Below I've modelled the sentences that might be produced. I've tried to show the levels you can strive for. Black for the base sentences, orange for the next level of detail and red for maximum detail. I hope they help:

First cream, powdered milk and sugar are mixed together so the ice cream is ready to be cooled.

Then the ice cream is heated so any germs are killed.

Next the hot mixture is cooled and flavour is added.

After that the ice cream is chilled and whipped so it can become solid.

Once this is done the ice cream is put between chocolate wafers which have been made from chocolate cake ingredients.

Finally the ice cream is sealed in a colourful wrapper so it is ready to be sent to shops.

If you want to add any other details, don't forget that you can include pictures or diagrams that help explain the process. Have fun and have an ice cream if you need to research the process further!

History - The Pier

The final program from our Magic Grandad trilogy is all about Seaside Entertainment.

Watch the program and after make a list of all the forms of entertainment that the program featured. For each item ask these questions:

1. Would you enjoy this?

2. Do we still have this at the seaside today?

3. If yes, how has it changed?

4. If no, what has replaced it?

Seaside entertainment will form the basis for our English work next week, so this will be good preparation.

Have a lovely day!
KS1 Team